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Why is Nasonex so ridiculously expensive?

I was paying $135 or so for Nasonex, which I thought was ridiculously expensive at the time. When Flonase became an OTC product, I thought Nasonex would become cheaper. That's what competition is supposed to do. But noooooo... I went to CVS today and the price was $218 for Nasonex. That is a total ripoff... Why did the price go up? So what's the difference between Merck, the manufacturer,  and a robber with a gun on the street?  Answer: The gun. Merck robs you without using a gun.  Very clever, taking advantage of peoples' medical conditions.
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1124887 tn?1313754891
I don't like conspiracy theories, but this is ridiculous.

It's OTC in Norway and the price is about $10. Merck are also the supplier here.

Something is very wrong with the link between the US government and health care providers.
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1124887 tn?1313754891
*is the supplier
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I was diagnosed with Acute Sinusitis when I was 4 months old. I have tried pretty much everything and Nasonex was the best result I've had. No side affects, no taste, no drowsiness. And yet it's jumped to over $300/bottle. I lost my job due to lung conditions (never smoked) and lost everything I had. Went through bankruptcy and am on Medicaid. They refuse to cover it because it's so expensive.
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Try the canadian pharmacies.  They have it for about 9.00 a bottle and will ship direct to your house for about 10.00.
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