1206353 tn?1307250410

Wierd poking and icthy feeling all over body

Every winter I get a wierd poking and icthing all over my body which only last for 1-3 minutes. I think it has got to be allergies with the season.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, you are having allergic response to some unknown allergen. The allergens or triggering factors like dust, fog, pollens etc. can cause the precipitation of these symptoms. These symptoms are exaggerated esp. in winter or cold environment.

You need to identify such allergen and prevent further exposure. This measure is sufficient as you have milder form of allergy. For moderate to severe reactions oral antihistamines and topical corticosteroids can be taken against prescription. Take care and regards.

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I get something like that too but only in spots where my skin is in contact with my clothes. Pants and shirts that do not bug me any other time of the year, make me feel itchy and tingly occaisonally. I always assumed it had to do with goosebumps or the hairs on my body standing up more in the winter, and being rubbed the wrong way
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