1323333 tn?1274650862

Would I be allergic to a fruit's leaves if I am allergic to that fruit?

Would I be allergic to a fruit's leaves if I am allergic to that fruit?

I am slightly allergic to some foods - not severe, I'm talking an annoying tickle in my throat that lasts from a few minutes to a few hours. I get it when I eat things like blueberry, mango, peach, papaya - possibly mushrooms and some nuts, and Gatorade... Its often hard for me to tell exactly what caused the reaction, and I've never been tested.

Now I'm not even sure I'm completely allergic to papaya, but let's just say I am. I'm interested in this digestive supplement containing papaya leaves. Would ingesting papaya leaves cause the same reaction as eating the papaya?
This would be a supplement I'd be taking ALLLL the time, so I think its important to know. Thanks!
2 Responses
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1323333 tn?1274650862
Thanks a bunch!
Seemed obvious but I wasn't sure.
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351246 tn?1379682132
Welcome to the MedHelp forum!
If you are allergic to papaya, you will also be allergic to papaya leaves which also contain papain and latex just as papaya does.
Hope this helps. Do let me know if there is any thing else and keep me posted. Take care!

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