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alergy to cortisone

I use cortosone ointments for a anal fisher. Now I have anal pain and burning . All of the ointments that the Dr. has given me cause extreme pain and burning. I get relife if I lay down for long periods of time..
I am diabetic. type 2., 68 yrs..
I have tried Malanta, M.O.M. topicaly on the anais.after b/m. bo relife.
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It would be difficult to say anything without a proper clinical examination.

Why dont you consult a surgeon and talk about a procedure called - anal dilatation to help with your symptoms.

The burning and pain could be due to the anal fissure itself rather than the medications.

Is your blood sugar under control?

Discuss this with your doctor and let us know what they advise.

Hope this helps.

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I had a hrad time going to the bathroom.. went from diareiha to constipated.. in a few months.. had a clean out done by the dr,, he put ne on assacol 400 mg  3 times per day.. 4 at each time..
got pluged up and went to the bathroom.. and it was very lg.. and hurt.. not i get a pain on my tail bone sometimes.. if i get gas and it is released, the pain subsides.. if im able to go to the batroom, the pain subsides also..
sometimes the pain is not there.. just seems like when the intestens get full of gas or stool, then the pain comes.. hurts to touch the tail bone when the pain is there.. been trying warm baths.. is this what they call a anal fisher ?
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