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allergic reaction to lumbar rods & screws

I am fused from T4 down with rods and screws since 3/10.  I have experienced constrictive feelings across my back, burning in various muscles, reactions to meds, foods, and liquids.  I had a blood test (Melissa test) for metal allergies with positive results for nickel and titanium calcium.  Research and medical attention finds that so called titanium implants, rods etc are not totally made of titanium but are a combination of metals to make it hard.  Each batch of implants etc are individual and marked.  The manufacturer can trace the exact components of the implant.  Also there are metal properties in the coating of the implant and the cement used to place them.  

I am presently waiting to see if special rods etc can be made to replace the ones I have.  My question is, has anyone seen a medical professional that recognizes a problem such as this or knows how to manage the symtoms
I am having?    It seems that metal allergies are more commonly acknowledged in Europe and US doctors feel since it is a titanium product it is safe.  Thanks so much
4 Responses
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hey blondie325.
Welcome to the forum.
There's a 3% allergic type of reactivity with "medical" titanium.
See if a Doctor or Practitioner trained in "N.A.E.T." or "Allergy Antidotes" (they use Energy Medicine for Holistic Allergy Elimination very successfully) can help you clear this, so you can avoid further complications, unnecessary suffering and "heartache".
Just do a search for this.
I use "Allergy Antidotes", however,I have not been presented with a case like yours yet. It shouldn't be any different than any other metal allergy.

If you need more details let me know.
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Thank you for the info.  It sounds like you treat metal allergy cases.  What types have been successful with this treatment and what does the treatment consist of?
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hey blondie325.
Just do a search for either one. I use the "allergy antidotes" method for ANY
allergy/sensitivity/intolerance. It is based on Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology principles and with above average results. The originator is Sandi Radomski and she has a descent website where you can get more details.
Look at my profile for what else I do.
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Thank you.  I will check into the info.
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