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allergies - nervous system connection?

I am 58 year old male in good shape. 4 years ago, I had rotator cuff surgery and became sick and somehow developed allergies which I did not have before the surgery. Two years later I had rotator cuff surgery on my other shoulder and after that, I started feeling like I was stepping on marbles in both feet. Now, that sensation has become pins and needles and burning sensations on my skin throughout my body and ringing in my ears. My skin in my forearms and neck has turned blotchy red with no pain or itching over time. I have seen the best doctors at Boston hospitals, including neurologists, spine specialist, hematologists, rheumatologists, etc. and I tried alternative medicine and no answers and I am just getting worse. I know that if I am near an allergic situation (ex. dog) my pins needles and burning reactions become much worse. No allergist can tell me about a nervous system/allergy connection. Oddly, I also note that most nights I can sleep and I don't understand why. I do know histamine is involved in the sleep/wake cycle, turning off at sleep and turning back on for waking.
Benadryl is of some help, but the others like Claritin do nothing. Also, one doctor had me try cymbalta, which made things much worse. Has anyone out there experienced anything like this? I plan on going to the MAYO clinic to try and get an answer.
Thanks for any info-
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Hi, were there any implants during surgery. If there are then that could be triggering an allergic response. Check with your doctors regarding this. Regards.
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From what learned from my allergies it's possible it could be your allergic to something they used for the rotter cuff, you might of developed and allergie just guessing
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