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allergy and joint pain

Dear Sir,
I met three years back one friend  i made sex with orally and his mouth  and pennies iam male person afte one year i got candida in my moutn and red spots in my hands and iteching and itaken tablets fluconojole tabs and some well and now till six months iam having sore throught and joints pain and iteching and tierdness  ihave sinus problem and i taken all antibiotics but cod and mucos in throught but and iwent to doctors he tested all blood test and hiv  esnopills and blood culture but no use now i have taking oflaxcin and acetofenic but no use iam taking skin doctor advice me to take fluconozole now iam taking weekly twice these tabs but no use i taken all citrizene and cough  syrups  but no use tlii iam taking all tests incloduing hiv test it comes negative iam having swetting and joint pain and soret hrought and cold eyes are burning
kindly advice what tests i need and which doctor i have to go do i have any viral problem i had taken spootem test it comes result scanty growth of candida please help me out of these problem
Thanking U
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dear sir
any body please help me out of my problem kindly irequest u please.
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what is oflaxcin used for
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It would be very difficult to make any comment without a proper clinical evaluation. It is also difficult to say whether your symptoms are related to that one episode or not.

This is because you had the symptoms, like you say, after one year of the exposure.

Have you tried canditral mouth paint?

You could be having a compromised immune system, or taken multiple courses of antibiotics or steroids - for the oral candidiasis to persist.

Consult your doctor and let us know what he/she advises.

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