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allergy that like small scratches on face and a small round painful swelling on neck and arm

well I woke up last night had a shower and the next minute my face had small scratches that appeared then also i got a small round swelling on my neck and arm and when i touch them they are painful. What could this be????
2 Responses
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How are you? Can you elaborate on the small scratches on your face? Are there other symptoms present like itching? Try to avoid scratching or manipulating the rash to prevent secondary infection. These lesions may be caused by an irritation, allergic reaction or skin conditions such as dermatitis or eczema. Switching to a mild or hypoallergenic soap or shampoo may help. However, if it persists, have this evaluated further by your doctor for proper management. Direct clinical examination is important. Take care and best regards.
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1108426 tn?1293723157
i could do with alitle more detail on it but from the litle that you said it sounds like a allergic reaction to some thing that you may have used. may be a sponge or the sponge and soap. also there might be somthing on your sponge or wash cloth like maby a little peice of plastic maby. well that is all i can think of right now.
ta ta for now.
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