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allergy to air condition

Hi...I would like to know if anyone has ever encountered allergy to air condition? My boyfriend gets runy nose and very bad sore throat..would like to know if there is anything he can do.?
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612551 tn?1450022175
May be a dust allergy.. or if the AC isn't doing a good job removing moisture, a mold allergy.

At home you may be some benefit using a HEPA grade room air filter in your bedroom - may be too expensive to do the whole house.  These devices will take out both dust and mold,, and mites.... if the AC can have a HEPS grade filter added that will help.  We have central AC with a HEPA level air filter.
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Hi i find all air con units make me have cold/flu symptoms, my husband needs it on at home in summer 24 hours a day and i am in it at work and get flu symptoms every 2 weeks that last for any where from 1-10 days.  Its horrible and all I can do is avoid it as much as possible and keep the back rooms air con free.  At work i make sure i go out at lunch and drink hot drinks all day. Its awful and I am not sure if it is due to dodgy air con with me as any air con environment makes me feel ill.  It is worse though if i'm under a vent.
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All problems.   No solutions.   With so many of us allergic to a/c, where is the medical community on this?
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612551 tn?1450022175
I read just your reply, not the whole thread.

First, welcome to the Free World (I am a USA citizen - and have visited Australia once - Melbourne and still fondly recall the people and place).
Second, I may spend more of air conditioning filters, I change them regularly when heating or cooling, but they are the low end quality/cost.  

One of my medical interest and activity in the Medhelp family of Communities is related to my nasal congestion problems, year around, so if an allergy it is not plant-only, could be dust/mite... as I suppose that is blowing around at least 200 days a year - rough guess that we have weather that supports shutting down the Heat Pump and living with the air that comes in from outside.
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Hi everyone, majority of you is absolutely normal people. The problem with air conditioners is not a pure medical one, but rather social. Through all the mankind’s history powerful and brutal people used to force others to have a very bad habits. These habits are like body mutilation, heavy drinking, smoking, air conditioning, drug abuse, petrol sniffing etc. I CAN NOT remember any public referendum on whether how many people really want to be sitting in a completely sealed without any regular oxygen intake room at work, on a train etc. These powerful people simply do whatever they want to others. These are so called “decision makers”. Recycled air air-conditioning system is killing machine used by some people to get unnatural enjoyment.  People used to live without them since Adam and Eve. I live in Australia and look what they do to their children. NSW, Victoria and Tasmania have the highest level of asthma among children in World! I spoke to older people and it was not a problem at all say 90 years ago in this of the cleanest countries in the World. Asthma is not a problem in the developing world. Poor countries may be much polluted, but there are not too much aircons there.  Recycled air air-conditioning system has 2 mechanisms to make people sick or very sick. The first one may be not very killing – it is a flow of cold air. But is still may be very damaging for many people including me. The second one is a pure crime – it is a continuous flow of parasites, funguses, dust and bacteria delivered into your nose and lungs. Every test of the air will confirm their presence.  Unfortunately it is almost impossible to explain to many smokers or drug abusers that what they are doing is bad. I used to live in USSR and smoking + heavy drinking used to be absolutely mandatory to be promoted at work. This is the same story.

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I have a problem  with my stomach it gets very painfull when I expose to ac in a matter of 4to5hours in any kinds of ac pls help me what should I do my doctor says that I'm just stress but I think I have a problem can anyone give some advice reply pls ***@****
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I have also been affected by the aircon at work its making me very ill, i start to feel like im getting the flu, i feel dreadful only when im at work under the air con as soon as im out of there im fine.  My manager has refused to get the aircon tested, and now im trying to scour the net for advice on what i can do as its affecting my health.  im trying to look for another job because i cant work under these conditions, but untill then i have to work there has anyone got any advice on legalities regarding this?
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I have a huge problem when I'm in AC too, my chest literally feels like its going to close off...with in about 10 mins it gets so congested and tight and hurts to breathe and only when in AC. As soon as I leave AC confitions it goes back to feeling normal.
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I would also like to add, I have lately discovered when I am in an airconditioned room I get severly "foggy brained" and can't think.  It's like I am stuck in neutral.  Has anyone else had this same problem?  This is quite serious, I am trying to learn a new job it's really effecting my career.
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I also have the same symptoms as your boyfriend.  When I am out in the cold or in a air conditioned room my nose runs.  
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This allergy is too bizarre.  I cannot breathe when in air conditioned rooms.  How can it be the cold?  I go through the whole winter without a problem (so I'm going from a 30 degree outdoor temp into a 70 degree house, then back out), and yet when the a/c is on in spring the temp change is much more moderate, but it bothers me 100 x MORE.  I don't get that explanation at all.  And I'm getting shots for mold and dust, which seem to help, except when it's AC time!  Very frustrating.
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I agree that air conditions can have mold, mildew & other allergens growin in them and can benefit from a filter which is replaced regularly (few are).  Some folks do also have increased allergy symptoms when in colder environments, including air-conditioned rooms.  Your boyfriend might also have this problem.  If this is an issue for him, dressing more warmly might be helpful.
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It may not be the air conditioner. It sounds like it probably is what the AC is blowing in. You might want to consider purchasing a filter for your AC.
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