796974 tn?1237688273


I'Why is it that everytime that I wash my hair I get allergy?  I also get allergy without washing my hair but it only last for 1  or 2 days . I also have this cough for about 2 years I went to the doctor n he gave an inhalor but I'm not asthmatic and people at my job ask if I have asthma but I tell them no, he also gave me singulair , like a year ago I went to the dominican republic with my mom n she took me to the doctor he did a plaque to me n he told me that I had inflamation in the brionchial he also gave me an inhaler n others treatments. Now my brionchial are fine, my cough dry is more like a tick cough, I also feel air in my throat. Can't smell anything unless the smell is too strong , I also choke somethi. When I'm coughing . Sometimes my chest hurts.

This has nothing to do with allergy, well I think it has nothing to do but suddelyn I feel pain in my back n my lower by my kidneys n I aslo have swollen ankles n I also feel like my tight n my liver is palpitating ( I don't know if I spell it right)
4 Responses
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796974 tn?1237688273
I also feel like back more likely my lung it palpitate also more likely like a pulse which I find that strange I have never heard that you palpitations in those areas except in your heart .

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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!
Well, chronic cough can be due to allergy. Common allergens are pollen, mold, dust, pet dander, or cosmetics. Do you keep a pet? You must get an allergy test done, either a skin test or by RAST, to know what you are allergic to. Seasonal allergies are generally due to pollen or dust. Any cosmetic you apply on face or eye or even for your hair like shampoos or dyes too can cause allergies. The palpitations you feel at different places can be tingling sensation due to allergic reaction. Calamine lotions and other over the counter preparations with camphor/menthol do help to reduce the tingling.
Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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796974 tn?1237688273
Thanks for answering my question, and yeah I have pets a dog which he is inside the house, cats they are outside and birds but they are not mine. And I think that I have mold in my room because the bathroom wall is next to my closet and it smells well I don't smell anything.

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796974 tn?1237688273
I forgot to mention that the allergies that I get is sneezing. And stuffy nose
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