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Ok so heres my story

I am a healthy 21 year old male that has never experienced anything like this in my life, never have been to the hospital other then a few times for broken bones

I have had a swollen lymph node behind my right smaller then a cenimeter, never ever hurt when i push or poke it which i dont do often but sometimes feels like a thobing type pain in it every now and then.  I have had a blocked right nostril for about as long as I have had the lymph node issue for. I have had 5-6 nosebleeds in 2 months out of this right nostril.  This has caused me to see my GP and which he referred to a ENT.  The ENT doc said I have a severe deviated septum.  He said there would need to have surgery for this which I said Ok hopefully thats the issue but I have been experiencing headaches in the back of my head and upper neck while sometimes they show up at the top of my head.  The headaches arent severe to the point where I am in pain but I do feel them.  I am fearing the worst that it could be cancer or a tumor.  I havent vomited broke a fever or anything. any input would be great thanks.

Sorry for the jumbled paragraph
5 Responses
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363281 tn?1714899967
If all tests, etc are good from the doctor, then I think I would see a chiropractor. They specialize in neck, head and upper back pain. If you have any pinched nerves, they can block the signals going to these areas and you can have the symptoms you described.

Good luck.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, your history suggests that there is enlarged and infected lymph node and presence of pus will give a throbbing type of pain. It can be due to infection (secondary to nose or sinus infection) or it can be due to abnormal growth.In such cases lymphnode biopsy will be quite helpful to rule out nature of condition. You should also look for any fresh lymphnode enlargements.  

Nose bleeding may be seen due to hereditary, dry nose, lower vit k levels, some foreign body, superficial veins, rhinitis secondary to deviated septum (seems to be relevant) etc. Sometime veins are superficial and any minor harm to nose causes bleeding. When nose start bleeding you need to sit rather than sleep, as sleeping causes increase in pressure inside head and cause more bleeding also pinch the lower smooth area of nose to prevent more blood loss.

Headache and neck pain can be secondary to sinusitis and characteristic depends on type of sinus involved. Cancer is unlikely, but you better undergo head CT to rule out any abnormal growths.

The septoplasty or rhinoplasty for deviated nasal septum (DNS) will help you to relieve your symptoms. Do not worry, there would be nothing serious. I suggest you to consult ENT surgeon for further management. Take care and regards.

Take care and regards.
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Doctor Thank you very much to start
I have a question about the lymph node behind my ear...Its kind of like once in awhile it will feel like the headache occurs right near the node.  It is a small node and has not increased in size at all and at times seems to be smaller then usual.  I am going for a CT scan of my sinuses and Head on monday.  What kind of infections can cause one single lymph node to occur.  I do not have any others on any part of my body

thank you
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I occasionally experience pain in my armpits also can this mean anything?
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, each lymph node is suppose to drain from particular area, localized infection of that particular area can cause single lymph node to swell. It mostly seems bacterial infection (streptococcus, staphylococcus etc.).
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