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when the inside of my nose gets dry i get tiredand when my allergya are bad
2 Responses
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1530171 tn?1448129593
If dry inside your house get a humidifier.
Drink lots of filtered water everyday! You could be dehydrated.
Consume Extra virgin coconut oil instead of any other oils ( very healthy and therapeutic). Olive oil fresh in salads o.k.

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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, as I have already stated in previous posts, rhinitis and allergy are linked which can present as dry nose. It needs to be differentiated from atrophic rhinitis. A knowledge about aeroallergens present in your geographic location and the allergens in your home and work areas is essential in this process.  

You are more likely to have allergic rhinitis. There are many allergens present in your surrounding. Unless you stop further exposure or unless you take measures to minimize the exposure, medical therapy will be not enough.

Some measures which will be helpful to you are-
- Treatment of the outside of a house with pyrethroid (pyrithrin) chemicals prior to cold weather is one of the best measures.
- you need to close the windows of the car and home, stay indoors when possible, and use air conditioners and dehumidifiers to filter the air during times of peak symptoms. It will be particularly helpful, if you are allergic to mold or pollens.
- Use over the counter nasal saline sprays which will help washout allergens.

I hope this helped you. Take care and regards.
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