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I can not take asprine for pain can I take tramadol I have allergys to asprine please let me know if tramadol is safe for me to take
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I forgot to mention - since you do have the aspirin allergy and the tramadol is a new medication for you, DEFINITELY double check with thepharmacist before taking it just to be on the safe side.  It's NEVER a good idea to go strictly by information you may obtain on the internet, espeically when it comes to possible medication reactions and your health.

Best of luck!
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While tramadol does NOT contain any aspirin, it's always best to double check with your pharmacist (or doctor, although pharmacists tend to be more knowledgeable about this stuff) when it comes to any possible cross-reaction or side effects.  Realistically, if the pharmacy you use is aware of your aspirin (and any other) allergies, it should automatically pop up on their computer if there could be a problem, but of course, we all know that things are not 100% positive and what SHOULD happen doesn't always happen.
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