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am I gluten intolerant

I am allergic to wheat via skin test, the allergist said it was mild but avoid it in excess, my question is am I gluten intolerant or allegic to gluten as I was tested for oatmeal and that was negative. Everyone keeps saying I have celaic disease because I am allergic to wheat, is that true???
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'People with celiac disease carry higher than normal levels of certain antibodies (anti-gliadin, anti-endomysium and anti-tissue transglutaminase).

Antibodies are specialized proteins that are part of your immune system and work to eliminate foreign substances in your body.

In people with celiac disease, their immune systems may be recognizing gluten as a foreign substance and producing elevated levels of antibodies to get rid of it.

A blood test can detect high levels of these antibodies and is used to initially detect people who are most likely to have the disease and who may need further testing.'

You could read more about the condition at the following links -




Let us know if you need any other information.

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"For many people who suffer wheat and gluten allergy or intolerance, oatmeal also becomes and unsafe option. While oats themselves do not contain gluten, they do contain a protein which is relatively similar and current farming techniques create concerns as well. It is not uncommon for a farmer to rotate his oat crops with his wheat, rye or barley crops from year to year, and millers often encounter kernels from volunteer wheat when processing the oats."

You aren't allergic/intolerant to oatmeal because it doesn't contain gluten. Celiac disease is gluten intolerance, or a gluten allergy, so I think you have it. But that's just what it looks like to me. I actually thought I had it, but turns out I had colitis. :S

Good luck!
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