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arm pit rashes

before when i was young from 5 years old to about 9 i had this problems with rashes especially under my armpit it was so serious that it had a bad odor and no one would come around me it usually comes and goes as i was saying it was so serious my armpit looked so rotten and dark it smelled i went to every doctor my mom knew and they said they don't know what it was and just looked at me in disgust it hurt even as a child. it then cleared. i don't really know how it did it just suddenly cleared out.

i then had rashes all over my body except for my face and some thought it was chicken pox but it was only an allergic reaction toward a medication i used when i was sick.After i treated it with some think of powder it went away and now

i believe 5 years later i think it has returned. i am a teenager now (15) i use a dove deodorant called DOVE first when i used the soap i had some amount of rashes on my body so again i stop and used only the deodorant first it didnt cause any rashes then im suddenly gaining a number of rashes on my armpit right side of my armpit( the same side that was infected acouple of years ago

P.S. it sometimes hurts
                                                                                                               I'm desperate for your advice and
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351246 tn?1379682132
Welcome to the forum!
Well if you have stopped the use of deodorant then in all probability the rash is not due to the deodorant. The commonest causes are cczema, dermatitis including sweat dermatitis, and fungal infection like Tinea cruris. Keep the area dry, wear loose fitting clothes, and change undergarments at least twice a day. Many treatment options are there like Clotrimazole 1%, Miconazole nitrate 2%, Tolnaftate 1% and Butenafine hydrochloride 1%. Many OTC products containing these salts are available, your pharmacist can help. Try a combination of two and apply until the rash you see disappear. Continue application for 2 weeks after the rash disappears. Wash your hands well and dry them properly both before and after the application.
Hope these tips help. If symptoms persist consult a skin specialist. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!

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I'm not really sure, but I can't use any deoderant with aluminum in it (which is almost every deoderant) because I get a really, really gross itchy rash.  It will get infected and spread.  I use this deoderant called "Tom's Natural Deoderant".  It is aluminum free and you can get it at most general drug stores.
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