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my grandmother was fine before jan 2010 but after that she has breath problem she starts coughing suddenly and after that she cant breath properly she is 74 years old she also have high blood pressure and sugar problem but not others problem so please tell me what  we should do
6 Responses
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1547807 tn?1293779808
Did your grandmother smoke cigs? this is crucial information. because my nana had the same problem and she smoked.
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Is she on a beta blocker or another med for her blood pressure?  Many of the blood pressure meds will cause coughing and asthma like symptoms.  She may need to experiment with different BP meds to find one that doesn't cause coughing.

Have a blessed New Year.
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144586 tn?1284666164
It is difficult to see someone you care for in distress. You should be commended for caring.

Square one is to try to convince her to be evaluated by a physician, preferably with someone who can understand a diagnosis and assist with her treatment. She will need to sign a so-called "medical proxy" for the physician to speak frankly with them. There is a new specialoity called "geriatric medicine". You might dinf such a specialist to be helpful.

There are many possibilities, and the idea is to catch problems before they develop into something more serious.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, breathing difficulty involves a sensation of difficult or uncomfortable breathing or a feeling of not getting enough air.

Some causes are anxiety, stress, lungs disorder (bronchiolitis, COPD), obstruction in airway, disorder of heart like angina, etc. dust in air, allergies, lack of exercise, obesity, and compression of chest wall, hiatial hernia, and panic attack can also cause difficulty in breathing.  Avoid fried processed food, curd, heavy milk products as they increase mucus secretion, drink warm water, avoid over eating, papaya, banana, use steam inhalation etc.

You can take antibiotic if infection and continue with inhaler. You need to undergo proper examination and oxygen mask if problem is severe. I suggest you to consult physician to rule out the cause without delay. Take care and regards.
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hi doctor
i hope that u r fine,me also fine. Doctor my grandmother was fine 1 year before but last year after january suddenly she has the problem of asthama actually she is a dual national citizen and was living in asia with her daughter she is 74 years old and also have problem of sugar 3 years before and also have problem of blood pressure more than 50 years before and her blood pressure is always so much high when we try to give her some medicine she fell ill we dont know what to do and doctor she went to england on 10 jan and she came back on 25 jan i dont know what happened with her in these days when se came back she was suffering from flu and since 25 she has a problem of asthama and sometimes in the morning or evening she fell ill because of this suddenly she start coughing and after that she can't breath very well so please tell me something we have contacted to the doctor but he said that u can only use the inhalour if you know any solution then please tell me
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, inhaler alone is sufficient and one more thing can be given is cough syrup which should control the distressing cough symptoms. You need to get it prescribed by your doctor. She needs to continue her blood pressure and diabetes medications. Take care and regards.
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