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Petechiae, Should i be worried?

In September of 2011 I was driving (being stressed out from school), to my home. During the trip I broke out in hives that covered up my entire back, half of my stomach, and thighs.

Since then I've been having red itchy patches of skin, which no doubt is hives, and usually these patches don't get any bigger then the size of a half dollar. And don't last any longer then 5-10 minutes. This occurs daily.

Now my serious question.  
A month later I started noticing tiny red dots on my skin, they are in random places I have them mainly on my chest, and arms. some are the size of a needle point, and some are so small that you have to have your eye truly close to the surface to see them. I have some that are clustered, but not to the point that it looks like a rash, they are simply just sprinkled everywhere.

I had a blood test in June of 2011, and again, in October of 2011, both times my blood was healthy. Does anyone know if this mild form of petechiae is related to my hives? Or should I investigate more, or see a Hematologist? Or be worried in general? The spots haven't really gone away, and they don't itch or feel painful, If i didn't analyze my skin I wouldn't even know they're there.  

Should I be worried?

Best Answer
209987 tn?1451935465
I find that if a doctor doesn't tell you something it's because they assume that you already know the answer, or because they forget that we didn't attend medical school like they did...or because it's of no real concern and they can't be bothered to spend 5 seconds to tell you that. lol

So...I will assume that he didn't say anything because he probably ran a test to see if you had any infection coursing through your veins...which would signify that you have septicemia.
This leads me to assume that he's thinking that the petechiae  is from your allergies.
It's caused by broken blood vessels...the blood pops up to just below the skin's surface, and can do this with allergic reactions.
Oops...just noticed that I made a typo in that last post...I said blood pools under the blood...when it should have been skin. lol

Hope that helped to clear things up a bit.
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I did go to a doctor to have him look at my hives, and petechiae, he did the blood work and everything he said came back fine. Although he really didn't tell me what test he ran, he still assured me i'm fine. But he still couldn't tell me why I had them.
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209987 tn?1451935465
I've been getting these same spots for most of my life. My doctor has told me not to worry.
Just don't poke them with a pin...they bleed like crazy for hours...for such a small little dot it's amazing.
They can be caused by allergies, yes.
I was told not to worry unless the spots became bigger, turned black, looked like blood was pooling into one large area...these are signs of septicemia...which can be deadly...my dad died of that.

I was looked at, had blood work done, etc...and was given a clean bill of health.
You should do the same. Whenever blood pools under the blood, even little spots like that, you should be seen.
I'm sure he will tell you it's nothing, but better safe than sorry.
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