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bleach reaction

i worked around pure bleach and i cannot stop sneezing. have stuffy nose and sore throat. why cant i stop these symptoms
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1006035 tn?1485575897
Many people develop allergies to chemicals and products if they are around them a lot. I developed an allergy to acrylic nails after working with them for a while. I had never had a problem with the solution before. Just wear gloves and don't touch or breathe in bleach from now on.
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hi mike i have been around more than the recommended amount of bleach apparently i used to much bleach when cleaning. a doctor later told me that the bleach irritates the mucus membrane in my nose. i developed allergies to cleaning solvents and am told to stay away from them. what are some of your symptoms. reduced sense of smell. stuffy nose, stuffy head. sneezing, blood in the mucus. if these are some of what you have then it may be allergic sinusitis.
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681148 tn?1437661591
I have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), so I have all these symptoms and some others when I'm around any amount of chlorine, so that means I can't be around public pools either.

There are natural cleaning and disinfecting alternatives you can use in place of bleach that you can find recipes for on a site called care2.com.  Just use the site's search engine for "natural cleaning recipes" or "green cleaning recipes".  You'll be taken to a page with many archived articles that have these recipes.  The woman who contributed most of these articles explains the science behind why these recipes work.  I use these recipes exclusively for all my housecleaning needs.  These recipes solve the cleaning and disinfecting dilema for me.  The other added benefit is that I save a lot of money and no more bleaching accidents with my clothes or bad reactions to this and other chemicals that most people use to clean with.  

You don't need to use bleach for disinfecting around your home.
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