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breathing solution

is it okay to use albuterol sulfate inhalation solution .083 % even if its out of code? I have real bad asthma and I got a serve cold and cant afford to go to doctor.
3 Responses
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757137 tn?1347196453
What do you mean by out of code? Do you mean out of date? If the solution is discolored or cloudy (it should be clear and colorless or pale yellow) don't use it.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, Albuterol belongs to a class of beta 2 agonist drugs. These drugs needs to be taken in appropriate doses as prescribed your physician. There have been reports of fatalities due to excess dosage of the same. This is due to its cardiac side effects which are seen at higher doses and more seen with home use of nebulizers. Hence, one need to be careful with the dosage and should not exceed the recommended dosage.

The triggering factors like dust, fog, pollens etc. can cause the precipitation of these symptoms. You need to take measures to avoid exposure to such allergens. You can try sleeping with windows closed, which will avoid exposure to aero-allergen in the morning. Cold needs to be tackled by short term use of nasal decongestants. Addition of inhalational corticosteroids against prescription will help to control the asthma symptoms. I suggest you to consult your physician. Take care and regards.

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Generally a prescription is out of date if it is over a year old.  If it cam in an original manufactures package, you can go by the date on that.  

I wouldn't risk using this kind of medication after expiration.  Medications either lose their ability to work or become stronger.  In this case, you really need it to work.  If it has become stronger, the cardiac side effects could be too much for you to handle.  I think this would be a dangerous drug to use out of date.

See if you can find a free clinic in your area to go to.  Many towns have at least one operated by a church.  You can also go to the county health department to see if they have some options.  Albuterol sulfate is a cheap med to buy.  Ask your phamacist if they have a discount code they can run it under to save a little money there.

I hope that helps you.

Take care and feel better.
God bless.
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