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40 years olds need medecine stomach gas traitment.
my stomach hurt me really bad right now.thanks!
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, air swallowing is the major source of stomach gas, which can be seen in some individuals. The most common symptoms are belching (56 percent), bloating (27 percent) abdominal pain (19 percent), and abdominal distension.

You need to discontinue the habits such as gum chewing, smoking, drinking carbonated beverages, and gulping food and liquids at a time is needed. Particular food which you are intolerant to, should be identified such as specific wheat flour, lactose, fructose containing food, spicy food etc. and should be avoided. You can take semithicone tablets with proton pump inhibitors against prescription. I suggest you to consult physician. Take care and regards.
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Use a simple solution right in your own cabinet.  Mix Baking Soda and water.
Milk of Magnesia if you have it.
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