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diarrhea and asthma

In the middle at the last night I had diarrhea and imediately 1 minute later I had something like a strong asthma crises. I had it 4 times in one month about 15 years ago, but nobody know why it happened, and it not happened again until last night. I cant figure out why it happened. Please Doctor, did you know some desease that have the same symptoms that I have had?
What it could be? Thank you.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, your symptoms strongly suggestive of food allergy and subsequent gastro intestinal anaphylaxis and broncho constriction. In such cases diarrhea usually begin two to six hours after ingestion.

Determination of the food you are allergic to, is one of the challenges which you need to pass through. The common existing food allergens are Peanut flour, peanut butter, powdered egg white, Powdered/fresh milk Soy milk, soy flour Wheat breads, flour etc.

As allergic reactions are IgE mediated, blood tests will show increase in these levels secondary to a food allergy. The problem with the food allergy testing is sometimes the amount of food they challenge with may be not sufficient to elicit any allergic reactions.

When such food is consumed in large quantities can elicit allergic reaction in the form of hives, redness of skin, itching etc. You need to note down such food also in your diary and avoid the intake in future.

I suggest you to consult skin specialist/ immunologist for further line of management. Take care and regards.
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Thank you so much!! I will try to discover what kind of food i am allergic. I have an appointment to an allergist doctor.

Best regards
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I've had this happen to me 4 times in the past few weeks.  The diarrhea is so painful and the asthma/allergy attack afterward is almost unbearable.  Did you find out anything when you went to the doctor?  I'm curious to know what was affecting you, maybe it's the same thing for me.
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The doctors think that I have medicament's allergy. That can be true because all the times that happened I was using some medicament. But I don't have a confirmation, only suggestions, because the only way to confirm it, is using again the medicament to induce a allergy reaction.

The doctors discovered too, that i have a benign tumor in my liver (HFN), but  they doesn't know if the allergic reaction is associated with it. Sorry about my english.

I hope you can discover what kind of allergic you have.
I'm curious too about your problem... did you know what kind of allergic do you have?

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Did you find what your problem is?
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Could it be the toxic gas associate with diarrhea ? The same thing has happened to me and I believe that breathing in the gas in the confined space triggered the asthma. I opened the door and ran the hot shower to created steam
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Anything new on this?  I've had this happen to me  a total of 4-5 times over about 10 years.  This last weekend when it happened it was scary.  I was a couple minutes from calling 911.  Luckily a few minutes with my nebulizer opened me up enough to breath .  My asthma isn't bad at all, it was when I was as kid but now it's pretty much seasonal.  

I did try a "natural" nasel spray that was pepper based a right before bed.  I hadn't eaten anything  for probably 5 hours or more before the attack.  Every time I've had one of these attacks it woke me with stomach cramps, then the asthma came after.  
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So, I figured out that it happened probably due to a medicine a took before I went to bed. It did not happened since 2010. I am sure it was due to the use of the medicine because thinking back  it happened to me when I was younger while I was trying another medicine (a spray for asthma!!!!).
I to experience the same problem and have been experiencing it for the last 20 something years! It is exactly what the doctor said in the initial question a food allergy. For myself it occurs almost every time I consume "to much" dairy, and wheat products specifically pasta, breads, ice cream, even most beer I have will immediately trigger an asthma attack. I stress the too much because I'm generally fine with a small amount of either or needless to say the symptoms are almost all identical except for the beer instead of severe stomach pain which usually wakes me up in the middle of the night with food; followed by immediate clogged nose, absolute uncontrollable itchy- mouth, ears and eyes, saliva glands are over active as well and nearly impossible to swallow. I have no problem cutting out the grains but it really sucks with the beer  that one hurt! So sadly to say I almost never drink now and if I do I always have an inhaler in my pocket because it's almost 100% chance I'll end up having an asthma attack. Oddly enough you really find out who your true friends are when you decide to quit drinking for obvious health reasons.
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