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drug tests

what  would Advair
show as in a urine test?
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1343146 tn?1279330643
More than likely not, if it does, you can present your prescription for Advair.
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That might depend on what dosage you are on.  The lower dosage shouldn't show up at all while the highest dose may show up with trace amounts.  At any of the dosages the amount of steroid you are getting is so small and the medicine goes directly where it is needed that very little if any can make it into your blood streem.

I assume you are wanting to know for sports reasons, there would be absolutely no issue with Advair on an employment test.  Asthma steroids are corticosteroids.  Drug testing for sports are looking for anabolic (sp?) steroids.  So you will be fine.  If you have been on oral prednisone, there could be a problem if you are close to a competition.  You should talk this over with your dr so that they know your concerns about passing drug tests and keep you away from them.  If your dr isn't up on aproved meds for asthma and competition, you might want to consult with a sports medicine doctor.
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