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ear rings

i let my friend pierce my ears when we were on a trip to cape cod. my ears are now covered in hives and so is my neck and face. i clean my ears everyday three times a day with alcohol, there is no puss or crusty skin on my ears. what is wrong with me
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1) stop using alcohol. It dries the skin out and also kills off the bacteria that helps them heal. Go to Claire's or Icing and get the big bottle of cleaning stuff for about $8.
2) You could be allergic to the metal. Most people have negative reactions to the "cheap" earrings. Invest in a good pair of post style earrings in gold/silver/platinum.
3) Keep those in for 6-8weeks, but only wear straight post style for the first 6mo-1yr since wearing curved earrings (like fishhooks or anything that has a curved part through the ear) can curve the hole, making it difficult to put posts in later (like studs or anything that has a straight part through the ear)
Oh, and maybe take some benadryl for the hives.
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