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I have been recently diagnosed as HIV Positive. At that time all tests were undertaken for hept ABC and touchwood every tests were negative. But in my liver fuction test my SGPT was quite high. This was in August. Now today I again went for the sgpt count and its still showing high to be precise this time its 101!!!

Is there any reason for me to be afraid or something, kindly let me know

9 Responses
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563773 tn?1374246539

Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase or ALT is an enzyme found primarily in the liver but also to a lesser degree, the heart and other tissues. It is useful in diagnosing liver function more so than SGOT levels. Normal Adult Range: 0 - 48 U/L Optimal Adult Reading: 24

Important causes for elevated SGPT are viral hepatitis B and C, fatty liver, certain hepatotoxic drugs, and autoimmune liver diseases.Pls get your self evaluated for these conditions from a gastroenterologist.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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hi, am written this for my hus, he had piples near anus and postrate, back pain,gas trouble etc.. due to these problems we met one physician and he advised for blood test. in LFT resport SGOT is 54 and SGPT is 111, he druck. occtionationally. wht we will do reduce the count.


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563773 tn?1374246539

Thanks for writing in.

Serum Glutamic Oxalocetic Transaminase(SGOT) or AST is an enzyme found primarily in the liver, heart, kidney, pancreas, and muscles. Its normal reference range is Normal Adult Range: 0 - 42 U/L Optimal Adult Reading: 21.

Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase or ALT is an enzyme found primarily in the liver but also to a lesser degree, the heart and other tissues. It is useful in diagnosing liver function more so than SGOT levels. Normal Adult Range: 0 - 48 U/L Optimal Adult Reading: 24

In your husband’s case,SGPT levels are greater than SGOT. Alcohol is one of the most important offending agent for liver, but it typically causes a rise in SGOT which is more than SGPT (SGOT/SGPT ratio is more than 2).So in your husband’s case,alcohol is not the offending agent. Important causes for elevated SGPT are viral hepatitis B and C, fatty liver, certain hepatotoxic drugs, and autoimmune liver diseases.Pls get your husband evaluated for these conditions from a gastroenterologist/hepatologist.Treatment will depend on the diagnosis.

Hope this helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how your husband is doing or if you have any additional queries.Kind regards.
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thanx for ur msg, can u advice me what we will do to decrease the level of SGPT, 2day even'g we consulting physician. his height is 170cm and weight is 84, his lever is fatty, wht diet will follow to control the SGPT level. is Milk  oatmeal, and veg  salads good for this? do he keep control in alocohol? his body is too weak is he fit for long travelling?
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563773 tn?1374246539
Some of the diet are to be avoided in liver disease.Pls remember,some of the enzymes which aid in digestion are released by liver.If the liver is diseased,taking some particular foods puts an extra pressure on the diseased liver.Some of the foods that are to be avoided are animal products,fruit juices,artificial sweeteners lke saccharin,junk food, caffeine, including colas, chocolate, coffee,bleached white flour,hydrogenated oils,processed foods and shellfish.Also pls decrease his alcohol intake.Enzymes which aid in breakdown of alcohol are synthesized by the liver and so consumption of alcohol also adds to the extra pressure.

Moreover,consultation of a hepatologist and a detailed investigational profile of the liver are necessary at the moment.
Hope it helps.Kind regards.

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Dear Doctor,

My child 17 year old weight 77 kg.. has shown high levels of SGPT (ALT)101, SGOT (AST) 41
Serum Cholesterol 4.38
Monocytes 13

Just a background (he had liquid collection in the middle ear and retracted eardrum. after cortisones 15mg/day and antibiotics for 15 days he is better in the ear but the blood showed the above (the medications dose was from 1st October to 15th oct) the blood report was 28.10.2013

Please do advise me.. I am worried

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10270605 tn?1408944696
I am 13 years old and have fatty liver due to obesity.. My S.G.O.T. and S.G.P.T. count are 130 and 268 respectively.. What should I do to reduce these enzyme count and fatty liver?? Please suggest me...

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My sgpt 127 n sgot 96 but total billurubin decreased from 2.49 to 1.67
20 days ago sgot n sgpt were 94 n 79
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My mother is having swelling legs (Edema?).Coctor has asked her to check ANA (Anti Nuclear Antibody), SGOT and SGPT. Her ANA is negative, SGOT is 70 and SGPT is 28.

She was under medication for high blood pressure and now it is under control.
in her childhood she had Joundis. She is now 70 years old, 63 kg weight,5 ft height.

I am bit worried about her sickness. Could you please explain what can be this disease and what to do to reduce the level of SGOT.

Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,
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