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Brown Phelm-Constant Headaches

Hello, I am a 20 year old male.  Every morning, for probably the past year or two, I've been waking up and feeling very congested in my nose and throat.  I end up hacking up brown phlegm to the point where I am gagging.  My nostrils are filled with junk.  After I get up, I start getting a headache in either my left or right temple area only.  As the day goes on, I never hack up anymore phlegm, but I always am clearing my throat CONSTANTLY! Any advice?
Thanks in advance!
3 Responses
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Welcome to the forum!
No problem.
Brown Phlegm is normally associated with smoking. If you're a smoker please quit. Don't try.
Either you will or you won't.( As long as you are prepared to  face the consequences).
It's a choice -tough perhaps but still a choice.
The other possibility is the air that you're breathing contains dust and other particles.
Phlegm is actually a protective mechanism, so the chronic aspect of this is indicating that there's a constantly present factor. Identify  and remove the factor and all should return to normal.
Should you not be able to identify it, make sure you are breathing clean air. Use air filters, purifiers. Avoid industrial and commercial enviroments with pollution, spending time in traffic etc.
Drink lots of filtered water, Herbal teas could help loosen up the phlegm (I have used oregano and thyme tea and it worked). Organic apple cider vinegar 1T before each meal might help as well. (There are many other health benefits as well with a.c.v.)
The other possibility is allergies. Check my other postings in this section for  holistic allergy treatment information.
Please do research carefully before using any suggestion.


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That was very helpful.  I do not smoke so I believe it is allergies.  My cats sleep on my bed at night so I'm going to see if sleeping without them helps at all.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, common cause of phlegm is post nasal drip which is a symptom of sinus infections, colds, flu and inhalation of irritants. The diagnosis of the underlying condition could be made from the color of the phlegm.

Different color phlegm indicates body is fighting against infection in body and need immediate treatment.Coughing up of dark brown phlegm could be due to smoking or inhalation of excessive amounts of dust, eating cocoa, chocolates etc.

Chronic bronchitis results in infection and inflammation of the bronchi. This is often accompanied by brown phlegm. A more serious cause of brown phlegm is blood that arises from the bronchi, voice box, windpipe or lungs. Coughing up brown phlegm is also a common symptom of excessive smoking. This is due to resin sticking to the viscous texture of the phlegm and being ejected by the body.

You need to drink lot of water, steam inhalation with eucalyptus and mint, antibiotics if infection etc will help you. Treatment of sinus infection will alleviate the headache.

I suggest you to consult physician without delay. Take care and regards.
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