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Spider bite? Please help!

Yesterday I was in my yard when I was stung or bitten by something. At first I thought it might have been a fire ant but within a couple of hours my hand bece swollen and I could see what appeared to be two puncture marks in the center. Within another couple hours a blister formed over the bite. The blister is a deep red purple color, with a sunkin center. Over night the swelling in my hand decreased but the blister itself became larger. If anyone could give me any info it would be greatly appreciated. Ive icluded a photo of what it now looks like. (Ive outlined it to track its growth) Im worried it might have been a brown recluse.
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Update: I saw my doctor today and she believed the bite to be from a brown recluse spider. I am now on antibotics and have to have the wound checked daily for 96 hrs. i am also now experiancing terrible flu like symptoms.
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Thank you very much. I have found a wesite that goes into detail on how I should take care of the bite. So im hoping it works.
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757137 tn?1347196453
There is not much you can do for a recluse spider bite, if I remember correctly. Keep the wound clean and watch for infection. Check with the internet for more information.
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Thank for your response. I should have mentioned that I did go to the ER n was perscribed a steriod to stop any new hives from forming. But it was a saturday and the ER was very busy. The doctor didnt even examine the bit she just said take the steriod to stop any further allergic reaction I may have to whatever bit me. I am uninsured so a docter visit is near impossible at the momet. I was concered because of it were the spider I believe it to be, the steriods wouldnt do much to stop it from spreading? At this time it haa not increased in size so im hoping it will clear on its own.
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757137 tn?1347196453
Whether it is a bite from a brown recluse spider or not, the thing you have to be careful of is infection. I think you should see a doctor.
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