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loss of sense of smell

I got knocked out in Kauai, and for the next two weeks I had a pretty good concusion. This was over a year ago, and ever since I now have a very limited sense of smell. I can breath freely out of the left nostril with little to no smell, but the right nostril feels like it is clogged. The little amount of air that I can breath through the right nostril, I can make out a few smells.  Will my sense of smell return or do I need antibiotics, or an operation?
4 Responses
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no you probably just knocked out something in your brain, like amnesia, your brain jsut forgets how to smell haha, that's the best explanation i can give, but if it doesn't come back in the next couple of months, you should get a ct scan or something to see if it it isnt something like an aneurysm or brain damage to a lobe.
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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!
The sense of smell is often lost with disorders that prevent air from reaching the part of the nose where smell receptors are located (the cribriform plate, located high in the nose). These disorders may include nasal polyps, nasal septal deformities, and nasal tumors. In your case it could be due to trauma causing damage to cribriform plate. Chronic sinusitis is another reason. Do consult an ENT specialist
Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!

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Why would it be chronic sinusitis when he clearly suffered a head injury?
if anything simple congestion, were not solving a nasal problem, were trying to solve a head trauma, how do you feel now?
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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!

Agreed! We were discussing a trauma and not infection. However I was just enumerating all possible causes that came to my mind. I did say “In your case it could be due to trauma causing damage to cribriform plate.” However on net it is not possible to get a complete medical history and apart from the history of trauma we know nothing much about brewstonium. Hence as a precaution I try to list all possible causes and the most likely one I mention along with other causes.

Hope this clears your doubt regarding my post.
Take care!
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