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my baby's reaction to amoxicillin

My ten month old has had the flu this week and was previously treated for an ear in fection last week with amoxicillin.  After taking it for ten days he woke up today with a horrible break out all over his little face and body.  After meeting our doctor at the office on a sat, he seemed to think it was a reaction.  We have one dose of benydryl in, but it has actually worsened and spread since this afternnon.  It looks horrific!  Are there any serious concerns I should have now or does it just look awful until it clears up?
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I wish I had read all these before giving my 5 month old son the Amoxicillin prescribed by the doctor for a throat infection. He has rashes all over that seem to get worse by the minute. Took him to a walk in centre earlier today and the doctor told me it was just heat rash! Now, it's gotten so bad, his whole body is covered with raised red blotches and rashes all over!
If children react so badly to it, I don't understand why doctors still prescribe it.
Thanks to all your posts, at least I know my baby's skin will be back to normal soon.
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Oh, and I agree with the chiropractor, I take my kids regularly.
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You should all stop giving your children antibiotics for ear infections, it's proven that it doesn't help and the infection will go away on it's own in an equal amount of time, do some research and avoid all these problems!  My kids ages 1 and 3 have been diagnosed collectively with 10 or more ear infections and I have never given either one of them an antibiotic for it, there hearing is fine and they are fine, they always go away!  
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I, like most of you, have an infant son (1 year old July 7) who has had a reaction to the amox. We took him into the med station on Wed night (the 6th) with a fever 102.6 and they said it was from an ear infection. So they gave us the amox. He'd been on it before, so I didnt think much of it. But then on day 2, the third dose, he broke out in a horrible rash. I didnt even know it was serious, I was actually thinking heat rash, since we were outside. We were having his birthday party in the back yard and I thought woah, what is this rash on his face..and his belly, and back....and a friend asked if he was taking meds and I told her amox...she said call doc and get some benedryl in him right away (ah, yah I sorta panicked) because it could be serious. I called the doc and they said stop the amox, and they called in another antibiotic in for him...but I was very hesitant on filling it because how would I know if he had a reaction to that one while he was reacting to this one??   I never really thought about it...but I am very sensative to any med...so maybe my son will be as well. Pay attention parents...if you have allergies...your kid may also.   Instead of filling the script, I took him back to the doc and had him look at the ear infection, which had pretty much cleared up. He said not to fill the script for the other antibiotic, and to give benadryl as needed, and to give tylenol or motrin for discomfort.  We are on day 3 of the rash and it is not better yet, but after reading all the posts, my hope is that he will soon be better.  It is very scary. Dont let anyone tell you it's not, cuz it is!  Good luck to you all!!
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My 2 1/2 yr old son had a sore throat and fever on May 23rd and the dr prescribed Amoxicillin. After the 2nd day my daycare called me and told me my son just woke up from his nap and his face was swollen all around his eyes and he had large patches of hives all over his body, I immediately left work and called my husband as I was on my way to rush my son to the doctor. The doctor said it was an allergic reaction to the medication and told us to stop it immediately. They prescribed Benadryl and Prednisone( steroid) the benadryl was to be taken every 6hrs and steroid once a day for 3 days. It actually got worse after the 1st dose then cleared up a little but would come back when the benadryl wore off but as of this morning he looked almost 100% better and he just had the 3rd dose of the steroid.  Praying it is over because this kills me to see him go through this discomfort!
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Hello everyone,
If you haven't heard by now, you should be getting your children checked by a chiropractor. I am a chiropractor and have always had wonderful results in treating children. Once the CAUSE of the problem is found and corrected, bye bye problem. The amoxicillin doesn't get at the cause. Hope this help
Dr. Vince
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