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my lips hurt!

My lips are normallly very dry... but recently i have found some very small bumps around the edges of them that itch and burn... if i itch them they burn worse... if i put carmex on them they burn. they hurt! there arent clusters of them nor do they have any type of coloration or head on them. it just looks like my lip but i can feel small bumps when i run my finger around the line of my lip. and i can feel the irritation. help!
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Since when are you having the symptoms? What is your age? Do you smoke?

Some causes could be lip biting, lip licking, Vit.B2 deficiency, smoking, overexposure to sun and ill fitting dentures. In extreme cases, this could be due to bacterial or fungal skin infection.

You need to drink plenty of water daily – around 1.5 – 3 litres per day. Do not keep your lips dry; apply lip balm which contains sunscreen – preferably a medicated one.

If you have cracks at the corner of your mouth it indicates B2 deficiency in this case you need to take B2 supplements.

If the symptoms still persist, consult your skin specialist or dermatologist.

Let us know about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

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888520 tn?1241029250
I applied blistex to my lips the night before about four days ago and i awoke with small little bumps all over my bottom lip.  There were a few on my top lip, but they were mostly on the bottom.  My lips feel horrible, they itch uncontrollably and they burn when I try to apply something like ointments or a different brand of chapstick. Please help me do something.
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I have this same problem, my lips are killing me! they are slightly swollen and have little hives around mostly my bottom lip. they itch and burn and get more painful with time. each breakout of hives i've experienced take about a week to get over. the only help has been aquafor lip balm, but even that is only so helpful.
i'm 19, average weight and health. non-smoker, with no food or medicine allergies that I know of. I have had a sensitivity to latex before, but I have not had any contact with latex recently. These hives have only broken out twice, and I do not want to experience this ever again. What should I do?
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I did the same thing with the blistex was it the new silk and shine they have out? anyway i've started using avon's moisture therapy and it's helped. my lips don't burn and they don't itch anymore though i do still have the rash but it is going away. i suggest trying it.
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I have been having the same problem with my lips.  Has anyone ever thought about the whitening toothpaste.  My Dr. said to take B complex, which I did and he prescribed a steroid ointment which I used.  All seemed to work, but after a few months the irritation is back and I cannot get it to go away.  I did lay off the chinese food for a while and in the past 2 weeks have had it twice.  
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I have experienced allergies throughout my life. Last year, my lips suddenly started becoming raw and swollen and itchy. My doctor put me on steroids and it did nothing. I got off all lip cosmetics. Then started going to a NAET practitioner (combo acupunture and homeopathy). It totally healed.  NAET helps desensitizes allergens. Silly me, I started using some facial products recently and it flared up again, so we will have to go through the process again, by identifying the culprit/s. Because the culprit could be any additive, I'll have to buy products that don't have them. It could even be the mint in a lip balm. Back to the drawing board. Unfortunately, we have to be scientists in a world that has a ton of products that can affect our bodies, especially for those of us who have a bunch of sensitivities. Keep on keeping on.
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