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nasal and sinus problem

Hello, maybe someone has had something similar. For the past almost 2 months I had a stuffy nose, no matter what i took, unless it was afrin which my doctor said to me recently that it was the worst thing i could have taken, was the only thing that cleared it up. So after about a month of this I took a mini flashlight and looked up my nose. I noticed what looked like a mass of dried mucus in my right nostril. No pain there it was just there blocking my ability to breathe normal. There is room above it and below it to let air pass just not 100%. so off to the doctor i went i was referred . My ent says that he wasnt sure so get a cat scan to get a better look. REsults came back my right side max sinus is blocked, all grey, as well as right forehead sinus has half liquid in it and in between my eyes right side has also some blockage. the left side is great. so yesterday we agreed to do sinus surgery to clear it all out. he thinks that could be sinusitus with nasal polyps in right max sinus and the one in my nostril as well...has anyone ever had something like this? internet gives so much negative and conflicting info and quite honestly its scary as well. my only symptoms are, little pressure in forehead sinus headache, i use the netty pot to clean my nose at night but last nite when i blew my nose it bled pretty bad on the right side, looks like it was coming from behind that polyp thing. it did stop ...i am currently just looking for some type of something to put me at a little more ease i quess. thanks .
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I also have a very dry stuffy nose with dry mucous and have tried the capzaicin pepper spray things with little success and still use a saline spray to moisten my dry nose.  I also have a very dry mouth
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Since I was a young boy I have always had sinus problems. Doctors always said sinusitis and put me on antibiotics.  That used to work. Then at the age of about 10 I started to develop a horrible coughing deal from sinus drainage, usually in February or march then again in like june.  I would have this for over a month and would keep my parents awake at night and occasionally vomitting from coughing so hard.  I would go to the doctors and they would say sinusitis and give me antiobiotics.  Over the years antiobiotics have continued to work less and less.  About a year and a half ago, once again in February I started getting the dry cough with phlegm coming up every once in a while.  It lasted until July. I thought I was dying.  I play baseball and I would hack and gag constantly in the dugout the whole entire season.  It annoyed everyone.  Finally it went away, until last fall about November I started hocking up stuff and struggling to swallow due to constant postnasal drip.  Which I think is worse than the cough.  This is still ongoing even 9 months after it started.  I could hardly stand to sit through class everyday at school because I had to clear my throat and swallow the thick clear and white mucous that would not come out my nose at all only back my throat.  So I made an appointment with an allergist/ otolaryngolgist and got sinus x rays and the needle pricks to test for allergies.  The x rays were clear but I am allergic to grasses, weeds, tree pollen, pollen, dust, mold, and foods such as cinnamon, tomato, onion, lettuce, and shrimp. I've been taking claritin everyday since.  And I've also been on allergy shots for over 6 months and have seen little improvement.  I've been down the road of antihistamines and decongestants both prescription and over the counter.  Nothing helps.  I don't feel comfortable going anywhere in public because I don't like embarrasing myself hocking up stuff or half gagging trying to swallow.  And playing sports is nearly impossible, I am short of breath due to the inconsistantcy of breathing and swallowing.  I start college this fall and am playing baseball there and I don't know if I can take much more of this stuff.  I was also forced to quit singing in a church praise band due to the fact that the gagging and hocking is never ending and I can't even make it through a song.   I am willing to do anything to be normal again.  Stress makes it so much worse but without this problem I would lose all my stress.  Please help me get my life back as soon as possible.  I'm miserable      HELP!!!!
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Firstly, i thought i was the only one with this problem however after reading this forum realise theres others out there. Thank you for sharing your stories.  

For the past 6 years I have been struggling with chronic sinusitis. I constantly have a runny blocked nose full of mucus, i have no sense of smell at all, get bad headaches, sense of taste is very limited and it doesnt matter what i do its there 24/7 and all year round. I had endoscopic surgey in June 2004, then again in December 2004 only 6 months later. The first time was public while the second was with a private surgeon. I am currently waiting in line to do my third operation (end of 07). I really really do not want to do it again as i feel it will not help and the polyps will come back again. My daily routine is also affected severely as i constantly must blow my nose and find tissues everywhere i go.

I have tried all sorts of nasal sprays, antibiotics, allergists and natural remedies but none seem to work. I had about 10 days of relief where i could smell and taste again through taking a very strong drug which the surgeon gave me recently. I was told they do not give them out too often as they are no good for you. The 10 days made me realise how much i was missing out on and it can get quite depressing.

Can anyone help me please? Any suggestions?
Thank you in advance.
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I am being scheduled for polyp removal surgery very soon. I am scared to death. I don't want it but I want to taste and smell again. My head is always stuffy (no pain though) and I have completely lost the sense of smell and taste. I had a gas leak in my home and never smelled it. Thank God my son came in and told me. Does anyone have any suggestions on another method to regain taste and smell without surgery? Also, how bad is the nasal polyp sugery and how bad is recovery? Thanks so much.
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I feel your pain.  I am on a new nasal spray called Astelin and I take advair 100/50 twice a day.  I am 75% better.  It is worth a try, it looks like you've tried everything else.
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