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nasal drip

i have a nasal drip that doesnt go away and wake up every morning trying to cough it out  but mostly all day i feel like i have something gooey in my throat and now when i breathe in my right tonsil hurts but not when i swallow ...what can i do to make this better ,it is making me weak at times where i cant seem to function right., ive been taking singulair for allergies but nothing  works ...Help
3 Responses
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1640527 tn?1301018838
go to an ent fast! ive ignored that and for that i have chronic halitosis for over 4 years now! dont let it happen to you!!!
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You do need to see a doctor.  I would discus GERD with him/her.

Take carea nd feel better.
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563773 tn?1374246539

This nasal drip is due to post nasal drip. Post-nasal drip (PND) occurs when excessive mucus is produced by the sinuses. The excess mucus accumulates in the throat or back of the nose. It can be caused by rhinitis, sinusitis, or laryngopharyngeal acid reflux. It can be enhanced or sometimes even caused by allergies.

Please check out with an ENT specialist if you are having chronic rhinitis or sinusitis. If you have chronic sinusitis then it can lead to continuous production of mucus and less drainage leading to post nasal drip.Transillumination test and X-Ray or CT sinuses can help in diagnosing it. If allergic rhinitis is the cause of PND then it can be diagnosed by skin ***** tests or blood tests like RAST.

Take plenty of fluids throughout the day and inhale steam as many times as possible. Use an over-the-counter (OTC) decongestant combined with an anti-inflammatory analgesic (pain reliever) like Ibuprofen. However, you should not use decongestants for more than 5-7 days at a time. You can also OTC antihistaminics like benadryl or zyrtec for some days and see if they provide relief or not. Some chronic cases may need oral steroids or steroid nasal sprays and antibiotics. These can be taken only after prescription.
It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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