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need advice please

I have been on 2 rounds of antibiotics for a "sinus infection" they are loosening up my nasal passages but nothing is drying up the nasal drip and helping with the dry hacky cough. I was told back years ago i had asthma but no dr i've seen since that time has treated me for it or even mentioned it as a possibility. I'm currently on Zithromax antibiotic and taking Nyquil cough at night, to try to help with the coughing. Although with little help. I'm also suffering stress incontenence due to the cough. So any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Has a chest xray and CT scan of your sinuses been done? Do you have any fever or sputum production?

Has a lung function test been done?

Have you had allergic reactions in the past? Are you allergic to any specific substances?

Do you have any other symptoms like breathlessness, reflux symptoms or heartburn or nasal symptoms like nasal discharge etc.

Chronic cough is usually seen in cases of asthma, GERD or gastro esophageal reflux disease and sinusitis due to the post nasal drip.

You should try steam inhalation, warm saline gargles, saline nasal drops and oral antihistamine medications and see if it helps with your symptoms.

If the cough still persists, it would be best to consult your doctor and also get a chest xray done to rule out a chest infection.

Let us know about how you are doing and if you need any other information.

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If you think you may have asthma, ask your Dr. to send you for Pulmonary Function Tests. This will tell you definatively, and assist you Dr. in treating you better.
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