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nitrile gloves

I am wondering if any one has had a reaction on their hands to wearing nitrile gloves?

I started wearing blue nitrile gloves slightly over a week ago and am seeing whitish blisters break out that are prominent after taking the gloves off, but look more like hives later in the day.  I used neosporin yesterday and triple antibiotic cream today hoping it would take care of the problem. I have used latex & non-latex before without any problem.

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I took the gloves back today to where I bought them.  I don't know if it was a bad batch, but they definitely caused a reaction.
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My daughter is anaphylactic to latex, so we're familiar with those gloves.  Could it be the dye that was used in the blue batch?  We've used the purple ones with no problem.  I wouldn't take any chances with them at all ... just double checking that you weren't near any latex powder at all in the area where you put on the gloves each time .. just in case something was topical on your hand and then the gloves pressed it closer to the skin and made contact.

Keep us posted and WELCOME!

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I had the same issue this past weekend!  I have NO latex allergy that I know of.  I went to Home Depot and got new gardening gloves to de-weed my yard.  I wore them for about 1 hour and everything was fine.  I was sitting around and about 1 hour after I took them off I noticed my hands were burning/irritated...not itchy.  I looked down and my hands were BRIGHT red all over.  The "contact points" like my knuckles, thumb (where I was holding the shovel) were definitely the worse part.  I immediately went and got the packaging my gloves came in and it said 100% Nylon with Nitrile Coating.  So, I guess I am allergic to nitrile because I have no known latex or nylon allergy.  I put NOTHING on my hands because they didnt itch...they burned and were blistery/rashy, just rinsed with cool water.  The next day my hands were swollen but not near as red.  It went away after day 2 and I am taking those stupid gardening gloves back.  I am glad I know what caused it, and now what to stay away from...NITRILE!  Cannot imagine what would have happened if I had worn them longer!
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I bought a multi-pack of gardening gloves displayed at the Home Depot checkout line ... wore them yesterday ... and today, my hands are grossly swollen and red!
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I am severely aiiergic to the blue gloves, masks and gowns. My tounge gets tingly, then swells up, followed by throat closing and usually a asthma attach. I started with a rash to the gloves, and had shortness of breath with the gowns and masks. Just today i had a reaction.
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