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I have a 4 year old son ,he's been lately suffering from allergy to his eyes and sometimes he has high temperature.my question is I have about 10 parakeets in my living room can this be the cause ,I search on google about parakeet allergy. And indeed said parakeets can cause allergy.is this true ?do I have to get rid of the parakeets.
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144586 tn?1284666164
The parakeets could cause an allergic reaction (or ten of them could), but such a reaction would not cause an elevated temperature.

The allergic reaction is usually of the asthmatic type, resulting in chest wheezing.

You didn't state the frequency of the eye problem, or exactly what it is. Is he handling the birds or droppings and rubbing his eyes?

I've had dozens of birds over the years, of all types. I'm not convinced you have to get rid of the birds, at least not yet.

Ideally you could have him stay somewhere else for a while (or have the birds stay somewhere else) and see how things go.

If nothing else you might decrease the number of birds before getting rid of them all.
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A bird can cause severe allergic reactions and even serious bacterial lung infections.  We had two birds at one point and my allergist suspected that I had a form of pneumonia from them, which I didn't thankfully.  

Allergic reactions have a board range of symptoms.  Certainly asthma or wheezing is one, but allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis and even rashes are also possible.

However, there are ways to minimize exposure (and thus allergic reactions) to the offending particulates.  For most people, there are ways to effectively treat the allergy and control exposure levels so that loved pets can remain in the family.  Maybe put the birds in a different room where your child doesn't spend so much time.  I would definitely move the birds while they are molting to minimize the amount of feather debris your son is exposed to.  Keeping the cage(s) very clean, dusting and vacuuming very fequently and thoroughly will be quite helpful as well.  Also, make sure that the filters on your HVAC system are well cared for by cleaning them thoroughly or replacing them according to manufacturere's directions.  

Lastly, if you son does handly the birds, or their cage at all, make sure that his hands are well washed afterward.  You also might want to consider buying a HEPA air filtration system to set up in your living room (or where ever you may move them to).

If these measures don't work, and you don't want to treat your son's allergy with medication and/or shots, you might have to consider reducing the number of birds or getting rid of them altogether.  Leave that as a last resort though.

Hoping you get to keep you birds and have a healthy son.
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