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Allergic reaction to water???


My daughter has developed severe allergy to something at her school. It has happened three times this year at her new school and never before, anywhere. She is fine at school and when she comes home, but the moment she puts water on her face, ie. shower or just washing up, her eyes swell shut, face start to swell, her mouth gets itchy and her hands and feet start to itch and burn.  If we don't catch it early, it takes two to three days for the swelling to go down.  To make this even odder, it only happens after it has rained.

Has anyone heard of this before?

5 Responses
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

If repeatedly the symptoms have occurred it could be an allergic reaction to water. Try alternate sources of water and see if the same reaction persists. If it does not then it must be with the piping. Environmental triggers are difficult to avoid, but being aware can help you take adequate precautions.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Have your tap water tested......   instead of: Have your tap water....
This is what happens when I'm rushing!
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Welcome to the forum.
Have your tap water after it has rained.
It sounds like a reaction to something offensive (to her) that gets into your water supply when it rains.
Aquagenic (water) urticaria would pertain to exposure to water of any kind,
however, her symptoms are the classical ones for aquagenic urticaria.
My suspicion is that her reaction-not a true allergy- is
  a. past event related, triggered by something connecting her energetically to that event or,
b. a hypersensitivity to a micro-element, present in your tap water, only after it rains.
It is likely to get less than useful findings from conventional allergy testing
-other than ones on the standard list: pollen,dust,dirt,grass,etc.
however, it's good to check it out, as suggested previously.
Hope you get an answer soon.
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Hi there -

    You said that your daughter is fine at school and this doesn't happen until she comes home. Until she showers or puts water on her face. Tshock's answer (having your daughter tested) is a good piece of advice - there is always the possibility in could be something in your water. Do you use ground water or city water? Another thing, is your house older, if so, you may want to have your water pipes tested. The local high school where I live had to turn the water off to all its fountains because the pipes contained particulates that were making kids sick. The school was built in 1950.
Good luck and wishing you all well! Take care ...
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209987 tn?1451935465
There IS an allergy to water.  Aquagenic urticaria.
If it's only happening AFTER it rains it could be a type of mold allergy as well.
You should take her in for allergy testing to determine what it is that is causing this grief for her.
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