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Suffering from Pyrosis

I have been suffering from pyrosis for the last 6 years. Some white dandruff on my scalp, and now it starts spreading in my ears. During winter it increases at very fast speed. I consulted 4-5 dermatologists and I also consulted many ayurvedic treatments, but still not working I don't know what to do if anyone can help.
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20620809 tn?1504362969
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20620809 tn?1504362969
Do you mean psoriasis? Pyrosis is another term for heartburn. I'm guessing you mean psoriasis which I also suffer. You've used the T Gel, tar shampoo? That's pretty effective. Here is an article of how it is commonly treated. https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/psoriasis/scalp-psoriasis  They also have topicals you can put on it and things that will make it peel. They sometimes use UV light treatment but this is a lot harder on the scalp if you have hair. A dermatologist has things they can prescribe. My son doesn't have psoriasis but another fungal issue. He uses a special shampoo that controls it. So, I'd go these other routes than ayurvedic
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