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sore throat since june 12 2010

Hi, i decided to write because i have a painfull problem.  On june 11th 2010 i had sex with a sex worker.
In the naughtiness of the moment i performed oral sex on her and immidiatly after i felt like a heavyness in my throat, like when one has trouble swallowing certain types of food.

I forgot about it and the next day i had an itchy sensation in the area i felt the heavyness the day before, i know that at some point i did swallow some of the vaginal discharge.

3 months later i went for an hiv test it came back nagative. Still i've had a series of symptoms not related to one an other like muscle and joint pain. also my chest and back hurt as if i've had a good beating, my stools are unconsistant i also have abdominal pain my stomach hurts when i eat. I've lost my apetite and i have nausia episodes . today i woke up, and two points on the lower part of my throat were hurting badly, the two glands underneath my lower jaws. I really don't know whats wrong but doctors can't find anything.

I also have a weird burning sensation in my penis. If its not HIV could it be some new virus case ?
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The point is, my throat is still soared it has been for 4 months and 10 days now.
i don't know if its an alergy but its interfering with my work i'm a warehouse and construction worker. even the smallest amount of dust makes me caught for 25 minutes.

I really don't know who to turn to for help.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, your symptoms are suggestive of pharyngitis. The causes of these are bacterial infection like streptococcal, staphylococcal, other sexually transmitted diseases including infectious mononucleosis and Fungal infections.

You need to send the throat swab for culture, microscopy, staining to rule out the pathogen and should also take chest radiograph. Antibiotic sensitivity of culture will decide the effective drug.

The other possibilities are dust allergy, gastro esophageal reflex disease, hyperplastic tonsil, abnormal upper esophageal sphincter function, causes this sensation due to altered upper esophageal pressure. Firstly I suggest you to consult ENT surgeon for possible causes and further management. Take care and regards.
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