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stuck @ work w/no meds. any home remedies?

I work at my parents house and my beloved pet cat spends the whole day all over my desk and chair.  since I've had her for so long, I usually don't get too bothered by her, but this morning my allergies were acting up before work.  I didn't take anything but as soon as I got to work my allergies started getting HORRIBLE!  So I'm stranded for the next 7 hours without anything to take - does anyone know of any home remedies or food that contains antihistamines?
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Here is some info I found on foods that may be helpful when you have allergies:
"Dietary recommendations for allergies:

    * Supplement with Co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10). People with severe allergies in almost all cases have low levels of CoQ10. Supplementing with CoQ10 may prove helpful for those with severe allergies. CoQ10 has also been shown to reduce yeast overgrowth.
    * Manage your symptoms with herbs. Garlic, goldenseal, goldenrod, and stinging nettle have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects that may be useful for anyone suffering from allergies.
    * Increase your intake of vital minerals like magnesium. Magnesium is needed in the body to reduce histamine levels, and can greatly help the allergy sufferer.
    * Selenium and zinc are also helpful for stimulating the immune response.
    * Vitamin C is useful to combat allergy symptoms because it is considered a natural antihistamine. Eat foods rich in vitamin C, like grapefruit, oranges, and tangerines. Studies that have shown that high levels of vitamin C help clear congestion.
    * Supplement with vitamins. Betacarotene, pantothenic acid (a B vitamin), and vitamin E are other powerful antioxidants that can eliminate free radicals and boost the immune system for allergy relief.
    * Add chili peppers, ginger, garlic, and/or horseradish to your daily recipes. These foods contain agents that break up mucus and relieve congestion.
    * Eat pineapple. It contains bromelain, which helps reduce inflammation in the nasal passages.
    * Choose high-quality, organic, hormone- and antibiotic-free
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There are specific remedies to pet dander/hair allergies.  Most healthfood stores do carry them.

For more allergy info., check here:

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Homeopathic remedies have cleared up a few of my allergies. If you know what you are allergic to and willing to spend $6 ---- I would definitely recommend purchasing a remedy at your local health food store or online.
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Try buying the Fresh Ginger (usually available in all Asian stores) crush them after removing the skin (about 2 cms long) and boil them with tea leaves

It definitely helps to reduce histamines.

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