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sudden swelling of eyelids

Once in a while one of my eyelids swells (only one eye at a time, and either the top eyelid or the bottom eyelid not both),
the swelling goes away on its own within a matter of hours (1 -12) by itself. my eyes do not itch or become red.

I can find no correlation between food intake or being around anything new. so I don't think is an allergy. it happens without explanation and it goes away the same way.
could it be stress related?


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97615 tn?1212678589
maybe something you are using on your skin????  any topical allergies???
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Condition could be associated with allergens such as dust, pollen or medications (eye drops, contact lens solution).  Less commonly it can be associated with diseases such as Lupus and Nephrotic syndrome.

It is worth seeing a physician to rule out some of the more concerning causes.
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        My mother has swelling to the top of her eyelid and beneath her eye there is selling and redness. She said that there is some itchy feeling at times but most of the time there is this burning felling What may be some symptoms?
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