1559007 tn?1294715408

swimming in the ocean with eczema

We went to LA and my son couldn't even dip his toe in the ocean- salt in a fresh wound. My aunt & uncle are taking us to Mexico and my 8 yr. old son doesn't want to go. Does anyone know how I can help my son to swim in the ocean, even with eczema?
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What treatment plan is your son on for the eczema?  My daughter has it.  As long as she is using her ointment, she doesn't have a problem.  If she stops using it and flares, she cannot tolerate even mildly warm water.  We have found that sun exposure helps her very much.  She only flares in the fall and winter when she doesn't get outside as much.  This could be related to vitamin D levels.

You may want to take you son to a dermatologist or allergist to find an effective treatment plan.  You could also have his vitamin D level checked to see if a supplement might be of any benefit.

Take care and I hope that you get to enjoy Mexico.
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1559007 tn?1294715408
Hi- thx for your response! he has a bleach bath 1-2times per week- 1 tablespoon bleach in a tub of water- to prevent infection- he's had several staph infections- it has been in the scholl, perticularly his class. We also soak him in vaseline after every bath- once per day, and 3 times per day he douses himself in sheabutter or glaxal base. We use perfume free soap and no fabric softener. He is on Singulair, vitamin D supplement, Aloe Vera juice daily. When he isn't bleach bathin, he soaks in colloidal oatmeal or Keri Oil. I don't know how much else we can add to our regime, at this point, but I need to be openminded to try anything. It feels like nothing will helpo, and we have tried it all. I think I will buy him a full wetsuit and boots for the ocean- hopefully this will keep him covered long enough to experience the waves!
I'm just so tired, and feel so helpless, you knopw?
I';m glad your daughters insn't severe, and you've found a way to keep it under control. How old is she? When did it first start?
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1400499 tn?1320410293
Look, I have exzema and I know how he feels, make sure that he is treated before going and encourage him to go in because sea water always helps me.
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My daughter's eczema first started when she was around two.  Her hands started pealing in the fall and pealed all winter, but it wasn't too bad.  We eventually made an apointment with a dermatologist, but spring had come by the time her apointment came up and her hands had cleared up.  The next fall it started again.  We immediately made the apointment and got her in while they were still pealing.  He prescribed several things that really do work for her.  However, it does seem that every year it is getting a little worse.  It may just be that she hasn't gotten on it this year or that her medicine is slightly past expiration date.  Her hands are pretty bad at the moment - not pretty to look at and tender to touch and handle things.  We did get new medication for her today, so I am hoping that they heal soon.

I really do suggest that you take your son to an allergist or dermatologist.  Eczema is most often allergy related.  So an allergist may be your best option.  They can treat the underliing cause and not just the symptom.

My daughter currently uses betametasone and Amlactin.  She has used Eladil.  It may take a while to find the correct medication and treatment for you son, but getting in with the right doctor will make all the difference in your son's quality of life and take away the fears from the simple joy of experiencing the ocean.  

One thing you may want to watch for as your son ages is asthma.  Childhood eczema and later development of asthma seem to go together.

Take care and have a wonderful vacation.
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