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Astellin spray

I feel like a complete idiot.  My ENT prescribed Astellin and I brought it home and couldn't get it to spray.  I pumped it a few times to prime it like the pharmacist told me and then it just started dripping all over my hands but never sprayed out of the pump like it was supposed to.  I assumed it was broken and brought it back to the pharmacy.  The pharmacist picked it up and pumped it and it immediately sprayed just like it was supposed to.  I brought it home and tried again.  Again, nothing came out of the nozzle and my hands were covered in the stuff as it dripped from the cap all over me.  Same thing happened when my husband tried it.

I have yet to get one spray in my nose, and the entire bottle is almost empty.  Am I just a complete idiot?  Because I feel like a total moron.  Why can't I get this thing to spray?  I'm so beyond frustrated with this.  There's no plausible reason why it won't spray for me when the pharmacist sprayed it with no problem.  I've wasted nearly an entire month's worth of spray trying to get this to work, and I'm not even going to bother to refill it if I'm just going to keep wasting it.  
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Go back to the pharmacist and ask them to show you what you are doing wron.  maybe the pharmacist can arrange for your insurance to provide a refill for free or at least reduced cost.  

Good luck.
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Thanks for the reply.  I feel like a dope.  I mean it's just a spray bottle, not rocket science, right?  Then again, my husband has used many types of nasal sprays and he couldn't get this to spray either.  It dripped all over his hands too.  Who knows, maybe the pharmacist just got lucky when she sprayed it.  When I pick up my refill in a few weeks I'll ask them to let me spray it before I leave with it.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, yes, the technique may seem easy but it needs to be properly learned. You may ask the pharmacist to demonstrate the technique. Ensure that you learn it perfectly in front of him. There may be some catch. Take care and regards.
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