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titanium allergy?

APRIL 2ND I had a L2-L4 fusion done with titanium instrumentation and removal of hardware of a L4-S1 fusion from 10 years ago. Post op in the hospital I noticed my feet were a little itchy and swollen.For the next five days my feet and hands were a little itchy but i thought it was just from the surgery but after about 10 days i started breaking out in hives on the back of my legs and arms. I started taking benadryl to control it but when the meds wore off i would break out again. By 12 days post op my lip looked like a balloon one night and i went to a medi quick here in town and they said it was probably from an antibiotic they had given me in the hospital because 10 years ago when i had surgery i had a similar reaction to cipro they stopped that antibiotic and the rashes went away but now i am 4 months post op and i am still breaking out in rashes  when im 2 hours over due for my zyrtec 24 hr extended release. The pain meds im on are ones i had taken for 6 months prior to surgery and i was fine. I have been to an allergist FINALLY she listened to my whole story and said im not going to put you through all the testing for other allergies because she thinks my reaction could be from  the instrumentation and referred me to a dermatologist to get tested for metal allergies. THANK GOD. Does anyone have any helpful hints on what tests my dermqtologist might due or what others metals i might need to get tested for besides titanium  ?????? THANKS SO MUCH IN ADVANCE. I truly believe its part of the hardware that i am having a reaction to and to everyone else thats suffering my advice is dont take no for an answer. I believe this kind of reaction happens alot more than even the DR,S know and people are suffering because of it.
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my dad has been sick since he had a back operation on April 11. They inserted a device called a "Coflex" into his low spine instead of doing a fusion. He has run fevers every month since he had that titanium put in his body. He has severe cold chills (looks like he's convulsing) and his fever gets up to 103 sometimes. This cycle does pass but he still is not himself after. His body is being attacked by something. He gets a rash on his face, flaky skin on his face, runny nose and severe dizziness before these attacks. He is hospitalized and released once fevers go away. This has been happening every month since April. They have run so many tests. Bone scan, MRI's, Bone marrow biopsy, x-rays, blood work etc. All negative. There is no infection in his body. I have felt like this titanium Coflex thing has been the culprit all along. Hard to get doctors to take that seriously because NO NONE is allergic to titanium or titanium alloys. We have finally succeeded in sending a blood sample to a private lab in New Jersey for Melisa testing (metal sensitivity/allergy) and are waiting on the results.
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Hi, your symptoms could be due to titanium as you developed the symptoms soon after the surgery. The MELISA test is the only scientifically-proven test which can objectively diagnose titanium allergy and measure its severity.  MELISA test measures a so-called Type-IV delayed hypersensitivity reaction. And according to studies done, the MELISA Test is reproducible, sensitive, specific, and reliable for detecting metal sensitivity in metal-sensitive patients. So, consult your doctor and have the test done. Regards.
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