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titanium and zirconio

This is my the unbelievable story with Melisa test. I leave in Italy
Due to dentist medical request In July 2012 (before deciding what kind of implant material I could use)  I request to a specialized laboratory  to test Zirconium and titanium (NO BIIOXIDE) this what was  required by the dentist
I conducted the tests of allergens in Milan  (from Oxygen lab) (4 attempts of Withdrawals due to the inexperience of the nurse but this was just not more that a bad beginning of  a worse event!!) In the meanwhile and I also decided to test other allergens that I wanted to test (for my personal curiosity and for this reason far less important)
They sent a report containing all the irrelevant allergens plus titanium bioxide (the only component of titanio one I said I did not want) but not calcium titanate  and no zirconium that for me were essential

I make  another  withdrawal l for zirconium and calcium titanate

On 29 September They  sent the results of a test that was not at all required by me  (titanium bioxide once more and ……tin that I did not require at all!!) I write to them that they had tested once more the wrong metals and what did they do? They just replace the names of the metals while the results remained the same (notice that the name of the file quoted the word corr to indicate that a correction was made) So, since the results of these 2 new tests were identical to those wrong   arose in me the understandable suspicion that the tests conducted in this lab in this period suffered of a serious confusion and was not reliable.
In October they however accepted to submit  me to another test for titanium and zirconium, which gave in fact different results than the previous one  (now the zirconium  was positive and titanium  was instead negative)
Now since  the entire event  costed me already over 300 euro and I did not mind spending other money for a sure quick and reliable result. So when my dentist suggested me to go to Brema I started to contact them to go there before summer time. I prepared and booked everything - already pay the flight but since they had not answer to my last email (while the had ever answer before) in which I was asking them what was the best tube or bus lo reach the laboratory, I decided to call
3 times:
1) no answer I was in waiting  list
2) I left a message
3) I finally spoke with them who simply told me that It has been decided to close with metal the 31 of may I prayed them to do an exception they answered they would have send me a mail but I did not received nothing.
So I wrote to the melisa foundation to see If I could do the analysis somewhere else in Germany and they indicate me the laboratory  Invitalab
I realized that it was the one who did me the test for the oxigen lab so I  asked them to send me again the results they had send for me to the oxigen lab just to check what they had. In fact the send me the same test  with the correction (the file with “corr”) now, unless they had taken the attached back from oxigen lab (but of corse I asked them to send me theirs not to ask to O.L. because that I already had) I realized that they should be able to explain what happened and why and how they corrected the analysis
But  I asked them to explain what happened with this correction and they simply did not answer ..
So now I don’t know what to do with the dental inplant I need (I don’t know if I can use titanio, and I don’t  know if I can use zirconio)
Now Melisa  in europe don’t answer me anymore…  as if  the fault of all this mess had be mine!!!!
Simply unbelievable  and deeply unfair
who can suggest me someting?
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hallo!! thanks for your interest!!
now, it seems that I have found somebody in the melisa foundation who wants to help me to solve the mess.. I'll let you know how it will end
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535822 tn?1443976780
oh brother what a catalogue of problems, I dont know what to tell you, you are right unbelievable and unfair..maybe you will have to start again ..Goodness I has a big dental mess 3 years ago so I know how you feel .You need to be tough with them if its cost you a lot what about a Lawyer to at least get your money back ?
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