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titanium/vanadium/aluminum dental implant

Eleven months ago I had a titanium alloy dental implant along with a sinus lift and bovine bone graft.  The surgery was successful and the implant has since integrated with the bone.  One to two months after the surgery I started having cramps in the lower extremities that progressed to constant aching in the feet and knees.  Five months after the implant I elected to have the swine flu vaccination which resulted in a numb feeling and tingling in the extremities along with diarrhea and dizziness that subsided after a few days.  Since then the tingling has combined with the aching in the lower extremities and progressed upward to include the thighs.  Exercise makes all of the symptoms worse, as I experience severe aching and muscle twitching after any kind of physical activity.  A MRI of the brain and neck revealed increased areas of signal in the brain not consistent with ms.  Blood tests suggest autoimmune disfunction (positive ana, antithyroid antibodies, high IgG for parvovirus and EBV and CMV without being conclusive of connective tissue or thyroid disease.  A cone beam ct scan revealed an inflammatory process in the sinus above the implant and apical periodontal inflammation on the tooth behind the implant which was also giving me night fevers.  I have since had the root canal retreated on the tooth that was being blamed for my mouth discomfort.  This has resulted in a 100% improvement in the pain and feverish feeling emanating from THAT tooth, but I still have an strange irritating sensation emanating from the implant that extends to the cheek, nostril, and eye above the implant.  I have a feeling the implant is the cause of the mouth trouble and wondering if it is the cause of my neurological symptoms as well.  My physical activity has been reduced to a minimum compared to the level of physical activity previous to the surgery.  I wonder if the implant does not show the typical symptoms of rejection because of nightly bronchial and nasal steroid inhalations.  The implant looks good on scans and xrays.  I am not so good.  I am living a life of an inactive person because I have no tolerance for exercise.  I love to exercise and my dogs need a walk!!!  Today I went for a lower back MRI and had a hard time holding still because of feeling crampy and cold.

All of the docs say it is a coincidence that any of my problems started shortly after receiving the implant.  I have sent blood in for the Melisa test, but wonder if a reaction will show being I was not able to refrain from using inhalers for five days.  The implant has adhered to the bone and looks "perfect".  I am ready to get it out and praying I can return to my normal level of activity.  Is there anyone out there with some information that could help?

Am I the only one????  I don't think the ADA or the implant manufacturers want to investigate the possibility of this lucrative procedure being a problem for anyone, so it is hard to find any data supporting my suspicion.  

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So, from the math in the Spanish study, about 1 out 150 or 180 (depending on how you read the numbers) have an immunologic reaction to Ti.  And then take into account how many people dont relate their ailment to the implants and get a misdiagnosis from another physician so they dont figure into the real numbers.  I could see in real life how that number of occurrences may be actually higher, but the number correctly diagnosed may be lower.

I really like my doctor but she seems to be going in a wrong direction with this and wants to categorize me with fibromyalgia. Thats why Id like to bring her some information and see if she'd help with the lymphokine and MELISA tests.

I think those odds are just high enough so that the oral surgeon community isn't/or doesnt want to be aware of them so that it is an issue.

How did the appointment with the oral surgeon go?
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You can go to www.melisa.org and find out about ordering the test yourself.  They will tell you to get a materials specification list of the implants you have.  I think I read somewhere that the lymphokine test is a more updated term for lymphocyte--maybe an orthopedic surgeon could help you.  I didn't want to spend more time and money going to another surgeon to find this out, but maybe one who does joint replacement on a regular basis would be someone familiar with this kind of testing.  

I scheduled an appt. with the oral surgeon to have the implant removed.  I am also going to consult with the periodontist who installed the implant about having it removed.  I will go with whoever I think can do a better job.  My husband went with me to the oral surgeon & made the comment "Oh, I think they think you are a little crazy".  At least I have a spouse who knows the effect these symptoms are having on our lives!!

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So can I ask what sort of neurological issues were you having, if any?

Congrats on having it removed!
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A few months after the implant I started having cramping in the lower extremities that evolved into a constant ache in the feet and knees.  I thought perhaps I was developing arthritis and at the time did not make a connection to the implant.  A few months later I was silly enough to get the swine flu shot at the local health dept. and had a bad reaction to that.  Neurological symptoms include burning pain in the knees as well as aching in the forearms and a numb feeling in the left hand.  My right leg is also quite painful and I have no tolerance for exercise.  Never in my life have I ever been so inactive for such an extended period of time.  I am worried that these symptoms could be transverse myelitis as a symptom of ms, but I also have an itchy annoying feeling in the area of the implant and always feel like I have a low grade infection in the area.  Sensitivity to metal can cause neurological symptoms, so this is why I think my symptoms may be related to the implant.  

Today I saw my allergist (all I do is go to dr. appts!) and she said that if my body had a problem with the implant that it would be loosening at the site.  I wish this would happen!!!  She also said there is no evidence that having an implant of any kind will produce problems with autoimmunity or the symptoms I am having in other parts of the body.  ---I guess all those women with health issues due to the breast implants are delusional!!  So apparently none of what I am saying or feeling has any basis in reality or science.  This is pretty much what most health care practitioners say.

Meanwhile, my health and energy levels continue to decline.  I was not able to get a removal date until the 24th.  The periodontist wants me to wait until the permanent filling is in the tooth they did a retreat on the root canal on, and for a month after that to see if the feeling in my mouth will go away.  He also says that he is 100% sure that none of my symptoms are related to the implant.  He just does not get it.  

Next week I am going to an ENT to talk about the inflammation of the sinus above the implant and to ask his opinion, so I will let you know how that goes.

--I am supposed to have the results of the melisa test at the end of this week, and tomorrow is Friday.  I will let you know about that.

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The surgeon who won't release your files??  It is the law that you are entitled to your health records, and you should be able to read what you get.  It is also illegal to alter the information on your records.

I did encounter some resistance or maybe it was nervousness when I inquired about the materials used in my implant.  I told them that either they could get me the information, or that I would get someone to get it for me.  It is material in my body that I have paid for--give me a break!  

Sorry if sound wound up--all of this has been trying on my patience!
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Please feel free to be wound up... Ive been wound up over this for a few years.  Yes, this doctor turned out to be about the slimiest person I have ever dealt with. (You know the old saying, someone had to graduate at the bottom of their medical school) I fell for his sales pitch in him telling me everything I wanted to hear.  I had the procedure to help my sleep apnea, and now I'm in more pain, I breathe worse because of his sloppy work and collapsing my middle vault, and both upper and lower jaws are crooked. Also, as my dentist verifies, this doctor "made the deepest incisions I've ever seen" for a surgery like mine, and he wont release my full file (I've seen it on the desk, its probably 50-75 pages long.  They will only release 9 pages.)

So, I can totally relate to whats going on with your legs and feet.  As I said, mine started in one foot, but over time spread to both feet and legs.  What I find fascinating was the first paper I ever read claimed the number one complaint of symptoms regarding allergic reaction to dental Ti implants was chronic sinus inflammation.  I had to get my nose basically gutted and rebuilt with rib cartilage because the jaw surgeon was so sloppy and invasive.  But even before the rebuild, I developed chronic sinus inflammation.  My nose/sinuses felt "swollen" inside and it was hard to breathe, but I wasnt typically congested.  It is like this to this day.

Isnt it tremendously aggravating when physicians just flat out say "this definitely isnt related to the implant?"  Dont you just want to say, "Hey Doc, let me stick a hunk of metal in your body, and you know, if it bothers you, I'll tell you that you are crazy?"  Physicians are so dogmatic to trust a study (you know, the one done by the manufacturer which is being pitched by the good looking medical sales rep with the glossy brochure) over their own patients real life symptoms, that they are really jeopardizing the patients well being.  

Well, Im sorry you are going through this because I certainly know what you are up against.  I'll keep checking back here if you dont mind keeping me up to date.  You are giving me inspiration to want to move forward with my own issues.


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