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what is clymidia?

what is clymidia?
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563773 tn?1374246539

Chlamydia are small Gram-negative cocci(bacteria) and are intracellular parasites. All three species; psittaci, pneumoniae, and trachoma­tis can cause respiratory tract infections,ocular or eye infections,reproductive and urinary troubles and sexually transmitted diseases.Contagious and can transmit by touch,sex-oral,anal or vaginal and respiratory route.

Hope I have provided you with sufficient information.In case you need any more then pls post us.

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Chlamydia are an intracellular bacteria which causes STD, skin, an eye infection in humans.
It causes a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) in humans caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydia is a major infectious cause of human genital and eye disease.

It is curable and avoidable by general hygiene measures.

Hope this helped. read more at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlamydia_infection

Best regards
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The doctors say that chlamydia is caused only by sexual contact. But in this website's own database, it says it's caused by casual contact! Look:


[quote]Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Trachoma is caused by infection with the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. Symptoms being 5 to 12 days after being exposed to the bacteria. The condition begins slowly as conjunctivitis (irritation near the eye, "pink eye"), which if untreated may lead to scarring.

If the eyelids are severely irritated, the eyelashes may turn in and rub against the cornea. This can cause eye ulcers, further scarring, vision loss, and even blindness.

Trachoma occurs worldwide, primarily in rural settings in developing countries. It frequently affects children, although the consequences of scarring may not be seen until later in life. While trachoma is rare in the United States, certain populations marked by poverty, crowded living conditions, or poor hygiene are at higher risk for this illness.

Trachoma is spread through direct contact with infected eye, nose, or throat secretions or by contact with contaminated objects, such as towels or clothes. In addition, certain flies can spread the bacteria.[/quote]

Can anyone explain this discrepancy?
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