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what tests need to be done to distinguish between allergies and auti-imune disorder?

Here is a brief history/timeline of the "allergic reactions" I've had.  Prior to this I have not had allergic reactions before.  Also I live in Mexico and, so far, the doctors have been of no help.

January 2012 - while vacationing at the beach had a big lump appear on the bottoms of each foot.  It was hard, painful and itchy.  At the time I was taking 2 anti-biotics for a bladder infection.  I didn't not pay any attention to food or anything I consumed.  I thought it may have been a reaction to the sand or something there.

Jan. 2012 - a week later I broke out in hives all over my body and felt my throat tightening.  I went to the ER and was admitted to the hospital overnight after 2 shots of (I guess it was) cortizone didn't help my symptoms. I determined that it was an allergy to the meds I was still taking for my bladder infection and/or a combination of those meds with ibuprofen, vitamins, etc  The doctors weaned me off steroid meds and antihistamines even though I still had symptoms..

Jan-March - continued to have symptoms of allergies that affected my throat and neck area with a burning sensation and constant redness.  I did an extended fast with only water and fruit juices and that helped.

May 2012 - had another milder reaction with a swelling of my feet while at the beach in Oregon.  I took Benedryl and that helped.  Began to worry I was allergic to the beach.

July 4, 2012 - Had another reaction with the swelling of my feet...this time not near the beach.  Benedryl helped.

August 2012 - began to take a 24 hour antihistamine (like Clariten) and that helped keep symptoms away.

Sept. 15, 2012 - couldn't find my regular antihistamine so I took a different kind and it didn't help as much (the symtpoms of tight/itchy throat and neck).  This day I had a reaction in which both forearms swelled up and were very painful and itchy.  I took Benedryl for 2 days and that helped.  The only thing I can think of that I ate/drank that day was some cider drink that had pure cinnamon.  I begin to suspect an allergy to cinnamon.  But a friend who is a nurse practitioner mentioned the possibility of an auto-immune disorder.

I don't know anything about that or how to figure out if I am allergic to something or what it is.  The doctors I have seen have only recommended different antihistamines and no one has ordered any tests.  I want to figure out what tests and just go have have them done (I can do that here in Mexico).

Any suggestions?  Thanks in advance!
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Your symptoms appear to be allergic reactions. Consult an allergy specialist. First he may do a blood IgE levels to see if they are raised. Next, he will do skin testing. This test is painless, in which a very small amount of certain allergens are pricked into the surface of your skin. If you have allergies, just a little swelling will occur where the allergen was introduced.  Reactions occur within about 15 minutes.  If needed more sensitive intradermal tests will be used in which a small amount of allergen is injected within the skin. Based on this he may plan for immunotherapy.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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I have seen an allergist and blood tests came back negative for allergies.  He suspects urticaria pigmentosa/mastocytosis.  I don't feel I have the intense itching that is described....but some of my other symptoms seem to fit mastocytosis.  I am waiting on the skin biopsy results to see if that is the diagnosis.  This is not encouraging to me.  I really was hoping for a food allergy...something I can intentionally avoid.  Now I can't even figure out what triggers my "episodes".  I seem to react highly to cinnamon and definitely try to avoid that.  The doctor put me on 20mg dose of Doxepin concentrate at night, Zyrtec once a day in the mornings and then said I could take Benedryl in addition to that if I felt I needed it when symptoms come on.  He actually suggested I use the Epi pen he has prescribed when I have symptoms.  But I hate the way it makes me feel and will only use it if I REALLY need it. And those THINGS are so expensive!
Seems like a lot of meds, but if they will control my symptoms (especially the tightening in my throat), then I will take whatever is necessary.
Thanks for your input.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

If needed you have to use the epipen, otherwise it can be life threatening. Urticaria pigmentosa occurs more in children. In adults, urticaria pigmentosa may develop into a more serious condition called systemic mastocytosis. Antihistamines may relieve symptoms such as itching and flushing. Epipen is needed for severe episodes.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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