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Neck pain relief. Spine surgeon or pain management clinic?

I had a fusion on C5-C6 in 2003. I now have herniated disks above and below the fusion. Some days I wake up in such pain I am unable to speak or walk and I get very nauseous.  I am very sensitive to pain medications but am able to take Ibprofen, which is no longer helping the pain. All medications I try, I have bad reactions to. Should I try a pain management doctor or stay with my spinal surgeons office? They have found spurs on my neck and requested a MRI, after which I need to go back to discuss surgery to correct the spurs. Will this help me or should I look for other options?
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Paxiled, you obviously don't know the whole story behind Essiac.

The original Essiac, stemming from an old native Northern Canadian "Medicine Man's" Herbal concoction was studied, tweaked, tested, formulated ONLY for cancer and named by Rene Caisse, Head Nurse at the Sisters of Providence Hospital in northern Ontario.
This is the original ESSIAC cancer formula I speak of.
Not to be confused with the old native formula.
And its description as a tonic nowadays, for commercial purposes is only because of  legalities.

She was allowed at first only stage 4 patients by the head oncologist in her hospital . She went on to treat cancer patients  with Essiac injections in her own Clinic in Bracebridge (The Lee Building).

I live in N. Ontario and I've seen the  Plaque now on the Lee Building:
"This building was originally constructed and established in 1870 as the British Lion Hotel by two well established actors from England. It was to become the most historic and aristocratic of the many local hotels. The original British Lion Hotel stood close to the corner of the streets.
The "new wing", now known as the "Lee Building" (named in honour of Ernest P. Lee, Q.C.) was added in the early 1900's. The hotel was a swanky place but fell on hard times with the advent of more mobility and especially when the town was voted "dry". Having seized the property for taxes, the Town of Bracebridge, by By-Law No. 624 dated November 21, 1935, authorized the building to be used by Rene M. Caisse. Known as the cancer nurse, who used the building as her clinic where she administered her "Essiac" cancer treatment. Hundreds of her patients, many travelling great distances, came to this building for treatment until 1942 when, amidst great controversy, she was forced to close.

It is not uncommon up here, to come across someone who had a relative
or a friend that was treated by Rene, Canada's cancer nurse, in the past.
After all curing cancer is always BIG news!
There are public records, of many official reports and signed statements,
verifiable information, in regards to the facts surrounding Essiac and Rene Caisse.

Of course NOBODY can "prove" it cures anything. This is a Government
given right only to Pharmaceutical Corporations with deep pockets.
There's only the anecdotal evidence from thousands of her own patients.

Very recently on CBC news, they announced the discovery of a cure for cancer in the University of Calgary, but due to lack of interest- as there's nothing patent-able in the formula-, no Pharmaceutical wants to invest 100s of millions of dollars for the clinical trials and studies, so this is not coming to the market any time soon. That's a guarantee.
It is against the law  "officially"  to advertise, sell, recommend, give anything that cures Cancer UNLESS it is an Approved Prescription drug for cancer!!!   Even if it's safe, even if it works!  

And by the way, I have seen Essiac on Pharmacy shelves, here in Ontario, in Tea bags and Liquid form. And they have on their system to order it
if they don't stock it. I have 3 Pharmacist friends here.
I have purchased it in powder form from my Herbal supplier. And I agree it is a great immune booster as well!
That's what I use it for and for prevention.
My friend, diagnosed with Myeloma - not to be confused with Melanoma-
and suspected Colon cancer (waiting for test results) remains asymptomatic, to the surprise of his Oncologist after 2 years.
I recommended at the that time Essiac, Alkaline Diet, Meditation&Prayer,
and a few other things, that seem to be helping keep the cancer from progressing.
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No, it wasn't originally designed to treat cancer.  It's a combination of some very common herbs that were used as a tonic.  We have no idea if it does anything about cancer or not since there's no good data, but that's the case with anything not supported by major pharmaceutical companies -- too expensive to do the studies.  The tonic is available from several companies, though the original might be hard to find.  You won't find it from your pharmacist, but you can in a health food store.  It is true that those who tried to market this product had some problems, but they solved that eventually the way all non-FDA approved products do, which is to avoid advertising what the stuff is for.  
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Essiac is available thru
your Pharmacist. It is not by presciption.
It is sold as an immune tonic, however it was  originally designed  to treat cancer. Search for " an angel in disguise" for the free online book,
explaining how this old native canadian remedy, pursued by an RN in a cancer ward in an ontario hospital, helped patients even in stage 4, to survive and beat this disease. her name was Renee Caisse (Essiac backwards).( Oops! I just did a fast search to verify this and the free download has been removed. Those darn special interest groups
You can try on your own, perhaps someone still has it online.)
it also shows how corrupt and f***d up our system is, to attempt to crush
this person and the remedy.

Also look into the work of Dr. John Sarno in regards to spinal and back pain issues. His Tension Myositis Syndrome explains why one patient's  film shows deterioration/degeneration, with associated pain, while another one's
with  a very similar presentation is maifested without any associated pain.

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This Essiac where do you buy it from, or do you get if from your doctor.  I have arthritis in my spine at top of neck 3/4/5L and in great pain down my arms....the doctor prescribed me Endones and I wont take them, so do you think this could help
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Prolozone Therapy

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I am sorry that you are in so much pain!  I have DDD (degenerative disc disease and I am 4'9" now - I used to be right at 5' tall.  I have no discs left.  When I went to see my orthopedist, she asked, "How is it you are walking and have only one disc left?"  I take Essiac.  I started taking it as a preventative measure because it supposedly cures cancer and my Dad died of a malignant brain tumor.  Wonderful side effect:  It stopped my back pain!  It doesn't work too well on my Fibromyalgia pain - but I am walking upright and hardly ever have back pain unless I forget to take the Essiac.  It comes in capsule or tea form.  I prefer the capsules.
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