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5htp and rhodiola rosea for depression? ok to mix?

Hi, i have researched both and i know 5htp is good for helping the body produce serotonin and the rhodiola rosea good for keeping it in the body as long as possible, with a similar effect to anti-depressants.

Have books on both.

The 5htp worked better for me but gave me palpatations, so i was wondering if you think it would be okay to take the 5htp just a few days a week to help my body produce more serotonin and take the rhodiola the rest of the week to keep as much of it in my body as possible?

Was thinking maybe that would be worth trying.

Please advise thanks xxxx
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5-HTP may not help by itself, but you describe your anxiety and depression as mild.  My own opinion, as one who has severe anxiety, that antidepressants can be difficult to use and stop using, so I'd turn to them only if my life were severely disrupted so that you couldn't enjoy your life anymore.  If it is only mild, I'd see a different therapist who can better work with you, since this one seems not to believe he or she can.  As for 5-HTP, it works quite different from medication.  The body makes 5-HTP naturally from the combination of tryptophan, an amino acid, and B6, among other co-factors.  So it's not something the body doesn't recognize, as with medication.  The second difference is that taking 5-HTP doesn't alter your body's natural way of functioning.  5-HTP is used by the body naturally to manufacture serotonin; if you don't actually need any more serotonin, the body will break down what it doesn't need and eliminate it from the body.  Anti-depressants, on the other hand, work by interfering with the enzymes that break down used serotonin (or other neurotransmitters, depending on the medication) so that it is used longer in a particular set of synapses, while other synapses will go dormant as they're not longer needed.  So obviously, while any supplement or med can cause side effects, 5-HTP is much easier for the body to handle because it's not altering brain chemistry, it's just making production of serotonin more efficient if that's what you need.  Margy mentioned SAMe; that targets norepinephrine, among other things, which means it's a stimulating anti-depressant such as Wellbutrin is a stimulating anti-depressant by targeting the enzymes that break down that neurotransmitter.  If it were me starting all over gain, I'd try the natural route before I'd go the medication route just because the worst that can happen is you get unpleasant side effects, but you can then just quit taking the stuff, whereas anti-depressants aren't so easy to quit because they alter the brain's natural way of functioning.  If things worsen, the medication will always be there for you to try.  And yes, 5-HTP can work for both anxiety and depression since serotonin is thought to be involved in both.  Good luck.
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I am suffering from stress generated by work, I am a nurse. I cannot change the situation at the moment as it is a small hospital, there have been lots of people leaving lately so its not just me.I  am having to take a Zopiclone to get to sleep most nights, but wake at 3 or 4 and cannot get back to sleep on my day off. I have some Rhodiola but have no idea how old and read about 5HTP which I have taken in the past for panic attacks, a one off thou. The lack of sleep is perpetuating the anxious as obviously my performance is diminished and we are mega busy, so going home late and not getting breaks. Any advice which drugs to take, the docs have wanted me to take antidepressants, but in the '90s they made me feel dead so don't want to go there again. I need to leave nursing now as 31 years non stop is killing me, but it will take a while to find where I am going from here. At the moment I feel like my life has ended, as I can see no light at the end of the tunnel.
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535822 tn?1443976780
In my opinion the drugs they give whilst necessary for some do have side effects, so can herbal remedies ,I dont take anything other than a daily supplement now , but a few years back tried the 5HTP as I said and found it good ,this was for anxiety, Sam-E the same, recently  I took the serenity Formula with sensoril and Rhodiola ..it worked quickly and I felt very relaxed' I took it for 3 weeks then read one should take a break I was feeling better anyway ,,I did have some upset stomach whilst on it ... I do know that I must have needed this supplement I am taking. ' One a day Womens Formula  high potency multi-mineral supplement I have felt so much better in myself .
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I was curious about your question since my Naturopath just suggested I go on 5-HTP.  While my social worker wants me to go on an antidepressant.  But she says she's curious about what my Naturopath has to suggest also.  But obviously both professionals believe I need something to help with mild depression and anxiety.  Does 5-HTP help with anxiety also?  To be honest, I'm a bit nervous about taking anything.  Seems there are as many people struggling with side effects of antidepressants as there are people who feel they are helped by them.  Maybe the same for the antidepression supplements.  But my Naturopath said that 5-HTP is an amino acid and shouldn't have the bad side effects that a prescription antidepressant may have.  Just a bit worried with tinkering with the brain chemistry either way, ya know.  But I know I have to do something to be happier and more productive.  Thanks to all who posted since all are very informative!  We read so many conflicting things about drugs vs supplements and it's hard to digest it all, especially when depressed.  Good luck to you!
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535822 tn?1443976780
last sentence should read Herbal meds and supplements do work .....
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535822 tn?1443976780
When I had a anxiety a few years ago I took 5HTP with some success, I like you had mild internal trembling, I also found Sam-E helpful, recently when feeling stressed I took the serenity forulma by stress relax with sensoril ,it had rhodiola in it, I was amazed how quickly it worked and how good I felt..it says take a break from it after about 3 weeks .I have found more help with supplements and herbal remedies than any of the prescribed drugs with their side effects and interactions . .Not saying that conventional meds are not necessary at times but contrary to some beliefs they do work and are not quackery ...in my opinion ..
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As with any substance affecting brain chemistry, 5-HTP does have odd side effects on people.  Everyone will have their own individual experience.  Now, those side effects might go away, or they might not, and if it's giving you palpitations and you're sure it's the 5-HTP that is the cause, I wouldn't personally fool with it.  There are other anti-depressants you can try, such as St. John's wort, DLPA (though it, too, can be very stimulating as it affects norepinehrine), and SAMe, to name three.  But the rhodiola can also cause palps, as it is also stimulating and can charge the adrenals.  Which brings up the question -- are you dealing with pure depression here, or depression and anxiety?  It makes a difference, especially regarding the rhodiola and how long it'll take to notice if the HTP works or not.
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1042487 tn?1275279899
Yes you can take both together. Not true that the rhodiola helps to keep it in the body. Rhodiola rosea is a stimulant adaptogen with affinity to dopamine. 5-HTP on the other hand is a the raw material to synthesize serotonin. Increasing you 5-HTP intake would suggest increased serotonin levels.

I suggest you take the 5-HTP after diner or/and before bedtime. See serotonin is not stimulating, in fact, serotonin gets converted into melatonin that is a hormone used for sleep and balancing you circadian rhythm. Basically you want to have your 5-HTP to calm and get ready to bed and your rhodiola rosea to help with energy during the day.

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