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Aniexty, with terrible headache.

I was wonder if anybody feel the way I do. I'm a 34 year old female who up until now was a very happy person but lately I been have hot flash, intense headache,  insomnia,  trouble focus, flash back, etc.... the list goes on but I had every test done under the moon. To be told that I am pefectly fine. Well I not fine in any words but more confused and very anious. The dr told me I have aniexty and I need to deal with it now before it leads into depression.  Then he prescribed an antidepression med called celexa 20 mg but he only wants me to take 10 mg for now, he also prescribed ativan 0.5 mg for me to take also as needed. I was like what. I never taking med like this before it really freak me out because I felt like he was not really hearing me. Or I was just to scary to hear him say takes tie med it will make you feel better. So I decide not to take re antidression med after reading about some of the side effects it had I just was not raking any thinggi was sure of. So I decide to go see a thepasit hope this might help. I must. Medicines and contaddmit it help some but I am still having episode and wonder how long until this all go away or should I just take the medicine and continue with thepary to see how that goes .....I don't know any suggest or support will turely be appreciated .....
6 Responses
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1135933 tn?1306612016
Sounds like a good plan. I don't think there is anything wrong with trying a more natural remedy first. If it works, great! I was taking melatonin at night at one point to help me sleep (too much anxiety), but I did not find it was effective for me. What does calm me is a cup of hot chamomile or mint tea at night with a touch of honey while lying in bed... :)
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The lastest update is headache are at a miminial this days, which i so happy about, i just can't get out of this fog mood i been having. I have went to a therapist and she really good she help with alot with breathing exericese that have help my headache, i think i making some progress.. I have start taking an herbal supplement for my mood want to try luimday but they were out at the GNC store store so he suggested good days which you take one pill a day it all natural, and i must say  after one pill i am feeling a little better.. i keep you post on this cause i dont like taking pills but if it natural i'll try it. I told my dr what i was taking and he said it should be ok. So we shall see. i also talk to the therpaist about herbal supplement and she said it should be ok but to be to makesure i tell my dr about it first.  i just happy she didn't say i waswasting my time trying a herbal supplement instead of trying the meds that wasprescribed to me... thanks all for listen or reading this i feel alot better share with people who can relate to me at this time in my life....will keep you posted.
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1135933 tn?1306612016
Your welcome. Good luck with everything and keep us updated. :)
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Thank you so much I really appreciated your replies.. and ladybug I check on the early menapause because my menstrual cycle is be outwacky lately.. Going to obgyn again at first she told me it due to stress. I don't know but me and husband was trying to have another cold which I think had add more stress on me but I just glad to hear that I not alone and their is help for this and I must be patience.  So for that thank you I need to hear that. And I agree I just start with a therapist and it is helping. But I will keep you all post.
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I agree that going to see a therapist is the right thing to do.  Confronting your anxiety can be both scary and confusing if you do not learn about it, in my opinion.  You will do exactly that in therapy.

Whether or not you take medication is entirely up to you.  I, at first, was against taking medication, but I decided to take an SSRI like celexa with great results.  For me, it was a VERY useful tool when combined with talk therapy.  It did initially increase my anxiety, probably because I was already anxious about taking it and there is an 'adjustment' period while your body gets used to it in my experience; and they do take a good couple of weeks to actually notice the benefits of it.  Remember, anything you put into your body has potential side effects....I personally get more side effects when I take an over the counter medication like Claritan for my allergies, so it really depends on the person in my experience with this.

So, keep an open mind and keep a positive attitude (I know it is hard) and be patient.  You will get through this!  Keep us posted.
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1135933 tn?1306612016
I think going to the therapist is a smart start. I have chronic anxiety, and anxiety can manifest in the ways you were describing with head aches, general aching all over, problems with focus, etc. Did you ask your doc about early menopause, too? I'm just thinking, because the two can have similar symptoms. If anything, if you go to a good therapist, they should be able to help you out with it.
You should not feel alone. I've struggled with anxiety and panic attacks starting at 14 years old, and I am now 28 years old. Doctors can be callous when it comes to mental health symptoms. I always go to a psychiatrist if I'm thinking I may need a little help with an anti-anxiety medication. For me, anti-depressants increase anxiety. I have read that this happens with people diagnosed with anxiety, because anti-depressants are 'activating.' I don't want to give you medical advice, but those are some facts you can research on the web for your own information.

I have a hard time with my full-time job while struggling with these symptoms, but I do get through it. I make sure I have supportive friends I can be honest with who do not make me feel bad for having to deal with anxiety. I also go on NAMI.org to read people's stories who deal with chronic anxiety. Who knows, maybe it is a passing thing for you! Some things resolve themselves. :) Either way, I think you're on the right track, and you're definitely not alone.
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