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Burning Mouth, Tingling in Hands and Feet

For about 7 months I have had some symptoms I would like to compare to see if anyone else has experienced this.

I am rather stress and anxiety prone, alot of the problems come from my job and too many hours worked. I ended up in the emergency room last year with very strange symptoms that really scared me. After being reassured, they subsided almost immediately.

Forward to today: Starting in Feb this year I got this odd, off and on buzzing sensation in my chest..like a phone vibrating off and on. It moved down to my thigh. Then, a strange, almost tight/numb sensation in my cheeks..off and on. Then my feet started in with a sort of mild pins and needles buzzing/vibrating..my hands also burn and tingle. They tend to "fall asleep" very easily at night when I lay on them.

Another annoying this is my tounge is burning.

I was very scared again, and went to a doctor to see if a certain muscle relaxant had done this. She didnt seem to think so, and weirdly, everything suddenly stopped..no more problems, for one month. I thought I had managed to calm it down with some medical reassurance, but then...it slowly crept back in again. I am sitting here with a burning mouth, tingling hands and feet.

I bought a blood glucose monitor and tested my blood sugar in case this was diabetic neuropathy, Levels came back normal after several tests.

I can understand a tingling or burning sensation if you are suddenly jolted into flight or fight response..but for it to linger for months and months like this?

It is miserable living like this, I dread this is the rest of my life, with feet that buzz and tingle with every step. No amount of rest, talks with my therapist, relaxation or anything has helped. I am sad that I may have to go in for more extensive lab work, or an MRI.

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I have also had weird sensations periodically and some that are pretty consistent. The consistent one is a burning sensation in my feet and sometimes palms. It is usually worse at night. Also in the middle of the night and mornings I may wake up with a weird sensation in my chest and inner arms. I also lately have had burning in my mouth after I eat. I have tried to figure it out to no avail. Doctors have no clue.
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That sounds so terrible. I did find this.  https://www.anxietycentre.com/anxiety-disorders/symptoms/anxiety-chest-tremors/  Do you think this is the issue?  
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Mouth burning fingers numb and twitching and foot numb.   Seeing a new doctor so I will keep you updated
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Thanks for the words..i actually really do appreciate them!

I have a small home too, and a 15 year old car. My mortgage rate is pretty low (under 5%) after refinancing twice. I dont have cable, I work to reduce my bills all the time..just removed collision from my auto insurance as I would not even get $1000 for my car!!!

Another symptom I am having more of the last couple of weeks is my internal body temp. is screwed up. This happened last year for a couple hours, along with some other scary symptoms and I ended up going into the emergency room. Once I was reassured it was anxiety the body temp thing calmed down, but this time its' all day and night..I just feel too hot. Not sweaty, just the sun burns me more, things are just too hot, and cold is TOO cold. The freezers at the store are SUPER cold. Since this did happen last year that one day I really got bad anxiety I can only see it as related, but it's just not easing up. I am just continuing to move thru my days as best I can without letting it interfere too much.

The Trader Joes thing is ridiculous. A highly skilled pro like me should not be back behind a register making minimum wage. I have five more years left on my house, and it's paid off. I'd like to get to that point..if it doesnt kill me..and have no more mortgage to worry about. At that point. I would be able to really cut my work hours back.
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I understand. The economy is so bad right now that it's hard to even find a job let alone one you specialize in. If you're lucky enough to have a job with benefits you have to keep it.
I wonder if you would be eligible for grants to go to school? That might be worth checking in to.
By the way, I like Trader Joe's. I hear they pay pretty well but as a cashier you really would have take a huge pay cut. That's to bad you did get the job as a manager.
I know it's hard. When my husband decided to get out of management and start his own business it was so scary. We had to pay for our health insurance and there was no pension either. It's been many years but he feels like he made the right choice. We don't have new cars,we own a small home and there are no vacations. To us it's worth it because my husband was just so unhappy with what he was doing before. He specialized in the car industry. It's what he had always done and when he went in to business for himself it was something completely different. It can be done but yes, you do have to give up some things.My husband was'nt much younger than you when he made this life decision.
There are things you can do to reduce your cost of living. See about getting a better rate on your mortgage. If you can it will reduce your payments. Check out car insurance companies to get the best rate. We just went with another home owners insurance company and got our rate reduced.
I see I've written you a letter. Sorry about that.I hate to see anyone struggle with anxiety. It also sounds like you feel so trapped with your job so I thought I would give you some ideas on how you might be able to lower your cost of living so you can think about another job with less stress but also have benefits.  
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I have thought many many times about another sort of job, and a few years back I actually started to look for one. I sent out about 200 resumes and got one call back and did not get the job. That job would have paid me about 40% of what I am making now. Currently I get union benefits, pension and a decent salary, enough to pay the mortgage.

One problem is, I have been doing the exact same specialized work for over 20 years at a certain rate. People look at my resume and don't know how to place me. I've done retail management way in the past, for instance...and applied at Trader Joe's as a store manager. They got back to me and suggested I apply for cashier. Essentially, in order to change careers I would have to take a 60-80% pay cut, lose benefits and have to sell my house in order to survive. Without years of training, there is no parallel job for me to hop to. I've looked into going back to school to train to be a therapist, and it would cost me about $60,000 to get a master's degree. I cant say I am even totally sold on that idea, and have no idea how I would find the time or money..unless I take out a serious loan, to pull that off.

Its just not practical, that's the problem. I need to find a way to cope with what I have created for myself. With the financial obligations I have at this age (Im 20 years old anymore) I have to consider my life choices and where I am at, what I have built, and how to actually enjoy it.

NOT easy.
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Is your therapist using CBT?
Not all people do well on meds and they're not always the answer. You know what's causing your stress but can't do much about it right now. Well, you could change jobs but this economy is awful right now. I do understand how you feel. My husband was kind of in the same situation as you are many years ago. The shirt and tie, the stress, not being paid for over time. He came home one day and said, I'm getting in to something different because I hate what I'm doing. I like the money and benefits but it's killing me. He did get in to a completely different field and loves it.
I do wish you could get a less stressful job but stay in the same field because you are an artist from what I gather.
Keep up with your hikes and think about getting in to yoga and meditation. It can take some getting used to if you have anxiety but it can also do wonders.
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Hi again..

I've been seeing a therapist since 2009, so I do have that covered. I also have a psychiatrist I see from time to time when I need sleep medication, but I have been thru the gamut with things like Xanax, anti depressants..I know how they work, how they make me feel, and I have decided they are not for me.

I know myself by now..yes, I am very hyper sensitive and easily irritated by things..barking dogs, noisy neighbors, things I cant change..and of course, job performance. I have a very highly specialized job which is creative and interesting by any standard, but it is very stressful, you constantly are cranking at a very high speed, and still there is too much work to do in a 40 hour week, and it spills over into weekends and I do not get paid overtime. We've had a big meeting about this as others are burned out too. There really isnt much to be done about it.

  The season wraps in Feb, and at that point I want to take months off, if possible. I save money and can do it on unemployment. I just want to hike, garden and have time to myself. When I was able to do that last year, it took three months, and I finally started to feel a sense of peace and balance return. I feel I am living this hyped up, false life, running on a treadmill, hyped up, burned out but still having to hustle. Its ridiculous, but I bet this is the source of ALOT of people's stress. Fortunately, I have not taken up the habit of overeating or drinking to cope. I hike 10 miles a week consistently, but it cant tackle the weird symptoms and mental exhaustion.

Anyway, thanks for listening. Everyone is different, not everyone is going to react so intensely to every situation...I happen to be someone who reacts immediately and intensely. I think the sensitivity helps as an artist, but not as someone trying to keep their sanity!
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You are under a great deal of stress right now. You already know that when you're not under stress your symptoms subside. This pretty much tells you that your symptoms are indeed from stress.
I understand what you mean about bills. They don't stop when we don't feel good. Do you have any other options as far as your job? Maybe something in another department that's not as stressful? If this is not an option I recommend you get in to therapy. It can really help you deal with stress and anxiety. The psychiatrist may talk to you about medication to get your symptoms under control.
Stress and anxiety can cause some really crazy symptoms. You've had a lot of testing done and you know your job is so very stressful so seeing a therapist might be the next step.
Dentists will usually check your mouth for anything abnormal. I know mine does. So, your mouth is most likely fine.
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Thanks again...I have had dental work done this year, several visits, maybe I should have asked, nothing was said or noticed by either dentist, maybe I should have asked..but I keep suspecting stress. One odd thing was, when I originally went in to talk to my doc about it, I told her part of my "routine" was that I needed to sit and talk things out with a doctor, get reassured, and I knew this would have an effect on my symptoms. After months of burning and tingling, I left her office after just having a talk and everything stopped..immediately, and stopped for a month. I thought I had it beat, but..it slowly started to come back again.

Last year I was also having a terrible time at work, 56 hour weeks without extra compensation, I could not stand my boss. I got so upset one night I was crying all night, got no sleep and felt so horrible the next day I went into the emergency room with what felt like a numb sensation in my cheeks and legs, the burning mouth, and an extreme sensitivity to hot and cold. While waiting for the doctor, I decided to step on a nearby scale, and was shocked to see I had dropped more than 25 pounds in the last ten months. After some quick tests the doc chalked it up to anxiety. I still could not get over the huge weight loss..the last time that had happened was when I got divorced.
I quit that job a couple months later, got one that wasnt as bad, then took time off until the end of last year. It took at least three months of not working..at all..to finally start to feel better.

Now I am back at a similar job (I work in TV production..high stress) and I'm in more discomfort than ever. I am just completely, to the core, worn out. But when you have a mortgage to pay, and you need health insurance and everything, there is no option but to keep working and working. I struggle to set boundaries with my schedule, talk to my supervisors, I am trying to deal with this situation that seems endless these days.

This is why I strongly think this is psychosomatic, as I have had episodes in the past that crop up during times of high worry.

I dont understand why life has to be like this.
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If your blood sugar is running that low you probably should have something to eat every few hours. It does'nt have to be sugar. Actually sugar can make it go up to fast and that's not good. I'm talking about a healthy snack about every 3 hours.
I've done a little research on the burning mouth feeling you're having. I'm wondering if this is burning mouth syndrome? It can start out of no where, last for a few days, a few months or years and there's no known cause. Another thing I found is that anxiety can cause this. I already knew about that. Vitamins deficiencies can also cause your symptoms but you've had those checked. Thrush, which was mentioned above.
I would recommend seeing your dentist for a check up. If it's thrush your dentist can treat it. He/she can also check your salivary glands to make sure they're functioning properly.
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Oops I mean even with stopping the medication the symptoms were still persistent.
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Hi Remar, thanks. I actually had bought one of those home blood checkers before this test as diabetic neuropathy was one of the things I had heard of and was worried about. I have done a couple tests and it ranges in the 70's and 80's, sometimes with fasting and sometimes an hour after having a little to eat. The official blood test was 77 after about 7 hours of fasting.

  I dont avoid sugar, I have some probably every day one way or another, but definitely not in the form of donuts, sodas, Starbucks drinks, etc. I pace myself with it.

The burning mouth is REALLY annoying. I suck on ice chips during the day at work. Sometimes it will burn for hours then suddenly stop. I tried one of those dry mouth washes just for the heck of it and it doesnt do anything. It's got to be internal...nerve related.

I was scared too that it may have been because I was taking Soma, a muscle relaxer, but even after taking it for about 3-4 months the symptoms were still there. Two doctors didnt think it was related.

Thanks again
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A number of 73 is a little low. It can make you feel weak and out of it when it's that low. Can you check it it everyday to see what numbers you're getting?
Believe it or not, anxiety can cause your tongue to have a burning sensation. Pretty strange is'nt it? I'll do some more research on that for you.
I'm glad to hear you stopped the supplements. You want your B vitamins to be well within range but not high.  
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Yes my blood sugar was tested, came back at 73. I had already tested this at home with a little monitor, and it had come back normal even before I had the "real" bloodwork done, so there was some consolation that this is not a diabetic neuropathy.

I had spoken to my doctor around May about it, and I told her that I knew myself, and that if I came in, sat down and talked about it and had it acknowledged, chances are I would feel better. Immediately after leaving her office, everything subsided, the feet, hands and mouth. I was pretty happy, I was hoping this was it, but eventually, it started to creep back again. I suffered all summer then finally went in for the test, of course, scared about the results. Well, the test in general was good, but no change in how I feel. I continue to burn and tingle.

I had been taking b12 supplements because I read it was good for the nerves, which may explain the slight elevation. Of course I've stopped that.

I didnt have any futher tests yet, I am going on a vacation this month, and just wanted to try to relax and enjoy that before plunging back into the nightmare of chasing this around doctor's offices.

I am so stressed out and upset I am not even sure I am going to enjoy the vacation, though.

I know the burning tongue thing can be hard to diagnose. I am exhausted, stressed out and finding it hard to sleep, and work is just wearing me out. I feel like I have no time to sort of recoup, relax and center myself. I get massages, go on hikes regularly, but its my mind that is constantly racing, worrying, thats the problem.
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139792 tn?1498585650
I am 83. Since last 9 years, I am having sensation of tightness in my feet. I was getting some mild sensation in my hands. I thought it is because of over grown nails. So I used trim my nails every 5th day.Then I realized that it is mid tingling. Recently I felt burning sensation around mouth for few seconds. The diagnosis is parasthesia. Pathology is not known hence there is not treatment for these symptoms.This was told by orthopedic surgeon. If you read about parasthesia, innumerable cases are mentioned.
Recently I read the Paresthesi is a skin disease. I had some skin problem. So i consulted skin specialist and asked him that whether parastheisia is a skin disease.He did not commit anything but started skin treatment like hydrating skin,applying powerful steroid,applying white soft paraffin on a wet   body etc. This is almost three months.Some skin relief is felt but there is no change in sensation of feet-feeling as if I have put on very tight socks.I do yoga and holistic therapy.  Yes many a tie I do get spasm.
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Really, your B12 was high? I wonder if that could be causing any of your symptoms? It's great that everything else came back fine though.
You said 7 months ago when you went to the hospital to be checked and everything came back okay your symptoms subsided. I'm really wondering about the stress you're under. Like I said, it can cause all kinds of strange symptoms.
I know you must be depressed because you still don't have any answers. All I can recommend is to have more testing done. Did they check your blood sugar or do any kind of tests on your heart when you were in the hospital?
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I just had a blood work up done, thyroid, glucose, vitamin levels, (slightly high on B12), hormones, cortisol, etc. Everything came up normal.

My mouth still burns every day, and my feet and hands tingle all the time.

Needless to say, I am pretty depressed out this.
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Yes I fear it might be MS because of the tingling and burning. I had another MS scare back in 1998 after a the car accident that originally triggered all this pain. I started having these horrible "water trickling" sensations down my legs, and what felt like patches of sunburn on my arms. I was completely freaked out, in a near panic over it. MRI and all other nerve tests came up with nothing. It eventually went away. I've had three MRI's in the last 20 years, guess it's time for another.
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Sometimes injuries in the back and neck trigger other conditions years later. Check with a rheumatologist and get tested for scleroderma. It's rare but hard to diagnose and tingling in your hands and feet sounds suspicious.  It might.be lupus, ms, or another autoimmune disorder.
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I too have burning mouth from anixety, it comes and goes and my eyes will feel dry and gritty on really bad days.  I have been through every test possible over the past 3 months MRI, blood, heart, xrays and now going in for a colonoscopy on Wed.  I am 43, I have struggled with anxitey and depression for years.  This all started after a resistant yeast infection then my my anxiety took over.  Searching everything, trying everything I read on the internet including a book I bought for burning mouth. It suggested taking high doses of BComplex BUT he failed to mention that B6 in high doses is toxic (read posts on here B6 Toxicity) my neuro found it out fast I only took it about 10-14 days but had terrible pricking nerve crawling, I am still left with cramping still painful leg muscles.  I am not sure if that is from my fear or the B6.  My hair is thinning and I have panic attacks daily.  I am basically a mess right now.  I just take a half of a .05 klonpin to help, and I am Hello,

I was succfully treated after using boric acid for 7 days, 600 mg.  I used butconzle 2% for 2 applications and then used the boric acid. I have not had a relapse but my yeast infection has turned into other health issues. I have lost 27 pounds during this, going in for a colonoscopy next week.  Yeast is a nasty beast.  I have had this happen twice in 10 years.  I believe it is a lot about diet too.  eliminate dairy, breads, yeast and gluten for a time and see if that helps.  Take white vinegar sitz baths, just add about 2-3 cups into a bath tub and relax, it will help with the PH. please feel free to contact me anytime, I know the pain and struggle of this and support and advice is so nice. It is cureable, just need to have a Dr. willing to go outside the box.  Diflucan is useless! for a counselor ...the burning mouth is from stress, I have had massages and tried to relax my tongue to the bottom of my mouth and left with no burning....have you had leg cramps or deep aches from your anxiety?
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Stress can do a lot of strange things. I'm still recommending that you have your heart checked though, just to be safe.
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I had a back and neck MRI done in 2011 after it was reinjured. The report did not come up with any issues with the spine, nothing out of the ordinary. The only thing I can say for sure is that since Jan I've been under alot of stress due to work. But its hard to believe stress could make something like this go on for 7 months.
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It sounds like you could have pinched nerves or bulging discs in your back and neck from the accident. This might cause the tingling feelings you're having. Maybe you should go ahead with the MRI.
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I was taking the muscle relaxant (Soma) because I re injured my back and neck..I had been in an accident back in '98 which started it all, and I avoided all pain medication. It took years to settle down, but in 2011 got hurt again.
Im afraid I have now damaged my nervous system, as its been 7 months with this buzzing and tingling. Ugh.
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